Saturday, August 26, 2023

That Song...

So I finally listened to Rich Men North of Richmond. I'd been avoiding it. It was political fodder before I'd ever heard of it so there was no need. But today it showed up on the recommendations on our TV home screen. I thought, okay, fine, I'll listen. 

A big part of that was because I'd read a few reviews that tried to tackle it just as a song. Not as what it's been turned into. But just a song. And they were fairly favorable. And I, in my life, have listened to a lot of protest type songs. Including my fair share of the working man gets screwed songs, I think Sixteen Tons might be the first one I can remember. 

So I listened. 

And objectively, it's...not good. 

I mean his voice is a bit thin isn't it? I kept reading about his unique tone and I guess unique tone works for it cracks when he tries to sing sing instead of shout sing. I love a raspy voiced singer, I really do, but you have to be able to hold your notes. He doesn't. 

And then there are the lyrics. I mean it really is a mash up of Fox/OAN/Talk Radio headlines right? He's mad about working overtime for nothing, okay, that's your employer. The Rich Man of which you speak. Go get him! Then he bitches about fat people on welfare and how he shouldn't have to pay for them to eat candy. What? You think your problem is someone on welfare? Do you know how little of your taxes go to the social safety net in the first place, let alone to SNAP benefits? And is it your business to police what people eat? And don't even get me started on the food industry and how they've manipulated our food sources over the years to change how we eat and the cheap empty calories that are much easier to afford than whole foods.


He also takes a shot at politicians implying they are all pedophiles on Epstein's island. And I will tell you that I do believe there were some very important people he was dealing with. I don't think it's a conspiracy theory to say so considering there are pictures and interviews with people where they talk about their friendship with him. (See former president current four time indicted Trump) I also believe that he halo shielded himself so there are probably people who were around him at times that had nothing to do with the criminal aspects. There are a lot of stories about him offering up his jet for humanitarian flights, for instance. That's what those types do. Weinstein donated heavily to women's causes, while being a rapist and sexual abuser. It gave him the halo of good guy while most definitely not being one. 


This approach that certain people and political parties have taken to label anyone they disagree with a pedo or a groomer is dangerous. People are going to die. And the people who kill them are going to think they are heros for doing it. You already see it happening. And it's bullshit. 

The guitar was nice. I do love the sound of steel guitar. And steel guitars work really well for anything that you want to shortcut into bluegrass type music. So that was a positive.

And the chorus Rich Men North of Richmond is a decent play on words, if you are a South will Rise Again apologist. I mean...can we just go back and start there? I know you can say that he's talking about Washington DC in particular, but by invoking North of Richmond Virginia it's actually a little broader than that right?  It was the capitol of the Confederacy for fuck's sake. 

And that's where we get back to. It's not a good song musically. There are a lot of better singers out there. It's not a good song lyrically. It's kind of all over the place. But it's a great song if you want to sing your dog whistles instead of post them or make speeches about them. 

I'm glad I listened to it to see (hear) what the hype was all about but trust me when I tell you, it's not good. 

In any way. 

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