Saturday, August 20, 2022

Fifty Four In the Door!

Can you believe it? Another year around the sun. Reading last year's blog and saw the hashtag for 53, which I had forgotten. I set it, and then never used it again. It was a wishful thinking hashtag. #Joyfully53 Isn't that lovely? It was a hopeful one for sure. But even though the year wasn't terrible like a few of the recent ones have been I can't honestly say I reached joyful as consistently as I had hoped for.

But that's okay. One of the other hashtags I flirted with for last year was #StillMeAt53. And I am, or was, I mean I'm still me, I'm just not 53 anymore...

So on with the Birthday Blog! Let's review the year and set some new intentions shall we?

Last year when I posted my thoughts for the coming year I mentioned that I knew there was something big coming that would change a lot in my life. That was Katie coming out. We already knew but she hadn't gone public yet. I knew she would at some point in the year, but wasn't sure when. And I was also pretty sure it would mark a shift in our world. And it did and didn't. Which I am really grateful for. The vast majority of our friends and family have taken the news with love and respect. I am so glad to see that. Not that I was worried about losing friends, I will let you in on a little secret, if you disrespect my child you're not someone I want in my life anyway. Oh, wait, I guess that probably didn't come as much of a surprise did it?

But anyway, most everyone in our lives has been wonderful. Which is why they are in our lives.

The rest of the world has not been as great. Trans folx, especially trans women have become the great lighting rod of discontent for the Right. It's been incredibly disheartening to see them use the same attacks and rhetoric they did on the homosexual population in the 80s. I'm hopeful that it will pass, but I'm also terrified that she's going to get hurt because of it. So yeah, big change in our lives that we knew was coming during #53. And it will continue through #54FucksSake just mind your own business and let people live their own lives. 

I also mentioned that we had started the house search again. And that ended up taking up a LOT of our time and energy during #53. Looking, bidding, losing, looking again, then finally buying a new build and waiting. Then crossing our fingers that we didn't miss our window to sell. It was a lot of stress. Incredibly grateful for our real estate agent extraordinaire, Patty Vice (if you are in the Portland Metro area I cannot recommend using her any more strongly). Patty has stuck with us for years as we've looked and stopped looking over and over again. Then during the worst market for buyers she stuck by our sides and kept us centered through this crazy process. So grateful for her.

But it did take up a large amount of our time, and we are still going. We are about 80% settled and now we need to wrap up a few big things, and a lot of little things but since we are mostly comfortable it's easy to just let them slide to "next week." But #54SlackingNoMore takes over now! Or you know, #54FucksSake let's get this done. 

I was hopeful that our Disneyland trip last fall would still happen and that did and it was so fun. It was the first trip where Katie was out in public. She hadn't yet come out to the whole world, but on that trip we used her chosen name for the first time and she got a taste of freedom. The pictures are so beautiful. I love them. That was a completely #Joyfully53 moment for sure. 

But along with that hope was the one that I hoped the world would open up again, that the pandemic would end, that people would stop being so selfish and well...#54FucksSake they could still be on my list for this year. What really happened is we all got tired of the pandemic and decided to act like it was over (by all I mean a lot of people, there are those of us who still were and are cautious to varying degrees) and as far as selfish goes? Yeah, that's not better at all. We in the US have become very much the Un-United States of aMErica. It's disheartening at best. But...#54FucksSake let's just move on!

So what am I looking at for next year? 

Well it's going to be a year of... 


I want to make sure I...

And then there is...

Yeah, I still haven't really decided. I have a lot of leftover stuff from last year with the house to take care of. I'm pretty well settled in to my new weight (remember I lost a lot when I switched the way I eat, I have a 5 pound range that I swing in right now that has been steady for almost a year, part of me feels like I should take the bottom of that range and aim for it to be the top of a new 5 pound range but I also know that is the path that leads to madness in 5 pound increments) BUT...since I've settled in to that weight I'm rebuilding my wardrobe. I have a lot that just doesn't fit anymore and a lot that I bought just to have something to wear. So I'm trying to get to where I love everything in my closest again. 

I'm still adjusting to Brent being in a mixed schedule for work. Some days he's here, some days he's working in the Intel Offices, almost every day he's working way too many hours. So I'm trying to adapt to that with meal planning and errands and house stuff. And also trying to make sure I make the time to sit down and write even when he's working in the office here and when he's not here making sure I sit down and write instead of just thinking "Oh I should do all the noisy house work while he's gone!" Basically I should just make sure I sit down and write!

I think that's the 54 goals. 
Get it together: 
The house
The wardrobe
The schedule

I never really got to a consistent #Joyfully53 but #54FucksSake this year is a new start and we can all do better!

And if you hadn't noticed, that's what we went with for this year, #54FucksSake, I'm pretty sure that one won't be as hard to work into daily life. 

Stay tuned for more tweaks as the month progresses and for sure once we hit September. It's prime goal setting season, I just need to get through the next week, the hardest of the hard month, and then we are golden. 

Love you all, and I mean it. I took my birthday off my profile this year and I officially stopped pushing Birthday Month Cake and Compliments season and I still got texts and posts and wishes. I guess when you push your birthday for so long people take note. It was lovely to get them, and I appreciate you all so much. 

Now #54FucksSake let's take no prisoners this year and rock the shit out of the next twelve months because you know I'm already looking forward to 55!

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