Thursday, April 9, 2020

Dang It!

I broke my own new rule today.


I say already because it's a really new rule for me.

And I broke it because it's going to be really hard for me to maintain.

I'm going to try my best to not argue politics with people this cycle. Or at least the "you should be voting for..." type of arguing. I will continue to post things that I think are important. I will continue to try my best to counteract lies with facts. But I'm not going to talk to people about who they should vote for.

After today. I failed today.

But I'm back on the horse trying again to stay quiet.

If at this point in time you don't see that you should vote either for Biden or against Trump I don't know what to say to you. You can vote for Biden because you like him. Or you can vote against Trump (by voting for Biden) because he's shown you exactly who he is as a person and what he is as a president. Either one is a vote for removing Trump from office. And that I understand.

But if you are voting third party, or voting for Trump, then I don't understand you and I'm not arguing with you about it. At this point if you don't get it, you won't, so why waste my breath, or typing time.

The last cycle I tried. Oh my gosh I tried. I talked to people who were voting for him and gave them tons of "He is exactly who he says he is!" links. I talked to people who just couldn't vote for that woman because...reasons. I tried to stress how much more prepared she was. I talked and typed until I couldn't anymore about the stark differences between them and what it would be like with him in office. I actually felt guilt when he was elected that I hadn't been able to sway more people.

As if it were my responsibility to move them all.

It wasn't.

It never was.

All I could do was what I did.

But now?

I shouldn't have to do anything.

He's shown you who he is and if that's not enough to get you to vote him out then nothing ever will be.

And I don't understand you.

Vote Blue No Matter Who.

I've been consistent and I will remain so.

From two dozen or so at the start now to one candidate still running. That's who I am voting for in November. And if you don't understand why that needs to be, I can't help you.

Things I don't care about:
Your hurt feelings.
Your but "if only people" wish list.
Your need for a perfect candidate.
Your my guy or no one mentality.
Your fucking 401K, which, honestly is in the tank right now anyway.
Your cult like devotion to a personality.
Your fake news mantra when you really mean I don't agree with what you said.
Your whataboutism.
Your vote for anything other than to get Trump out.

Thinks I do care about:
Getting Trump out of the White House.

Vote Blue No Matter Who

Feel free to remind me if you see me mistakenly take on the burden of changing someone's mind again. I'll try to take it graciously. And I will thank you for it once I calm down.  Honestly.

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