Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Corona Chronicles...This Time It's Personal...

Well yesterday was grocery day and it was not fucking fun at all.

I swear to god that people were out there just to test me.

Our grocery store is trying to set themselves up to maintain social distancing and cleanliness protocols. It's been a process for them. First it was only opening every other register. Then it was going to marking spots on the ground for people to stand to wait in line. Then it was greeting you at the door to give you a sanitized cart. This trip they had added limiting the number of people in the store at all and marking the aisles as one way. GREAT!

Except you know one way is somehow really hard for people. They still went the wrong way. And the people working were restocking shelves, which they have to do, I get it, but they still need to maintain social distancing. Like step away and let the customers step in to pick stuff up. Or not step in when a customer is standing there. YOU HAVE TO STAY AWAY FROM ME TOO!

And well...it was all very stressful.

And they put a limit on eggs. We eat a lot of eggs. I can't go 2 to 2 1/2 weeks between trips if you are going to limit my eggs that much. And honestly, Easter is over so I bet the egg buying will go down anyway...but yeah. Eggs were limited. Which stressed me out at the start. And there is another stressful part as well:

April 14, 2020

Yesterday was grocery day. It was incredibly stressful. The first time out while wearing a mask for me. That rule changed between our last trip and this one. Did you know if you wear glasses and wear a mask that you will fog up your glasses when you breathe? I didn't until yesterday. I also didn't realize that breathing through a mask makes me a little claustrophobic. But I'm not sure if that panicky feeling was more the mask or more the grocery store.

There were still a few things that were gone but the shelves were pretty much restocked. So much toilet paper that it was stacked in the aisle. I only left without pineapple juice and all of the eggs I had wanted to get. Pineapple juice was gone and eggs were rationed.

People were not good at following the social distancing measures the grocery store has tried to implement, the one way aisles were just too confusing for a group of people. Also the staff was restocking and though I totally understand that they have to, I still had to remind one of them that he needed to socially distance as well. "Please wait until I step away before you come in to put that on the shelf." I felt like a real jerk, he is just trying to do his job, but honestly, socially distance.

The checker and I talked about the egg limit and she let me know it had been that way since before Easter. I told her I hadn't been in for over two weeks so I had missed it. That I am trying to only go every two to two and half weeks. She thanked me. Told me there were people still coming in daily just to look around or grab dinner for that night. That she understood some people are lonely but that it freaks all of them out to have to have contact with so many people. Especially the ones that are obviously not staying home most of the time.

I thanked her, I thanked the kid bagging my groceries, I had already thanked the person who gave me the sanitized cart and the people who were stocking the shelves, even the one I had to ask not to get so close to me. I thanked them all because I am so grateful they are there.

And even though this is already long I want to share that my son has Covid 19. Or at least his teledoctor is pretty sure he does. As there isn't widespread testing, still, it's just based on symptoms. He lives a few hours away from us, lives on his own, was actually exposed once before his company went to work from home and made it past that quarantine with no problem. When that 14 day period ended he went to the grocery store and to drop off some N95 masks he had from forest fire season. One day out of quarantine, two errands and...

He's fine so far. Mild symptoms. He's had a fever for a week now, but only around 100. He had body aches for a couple of days last week and one day where his taste was off but no breathing issues or really high fever. The doctor told him unless it gets worse just ride it out from home. No reason to go out for a test which would just potentially expose others.

So I was already stressed going in to shop and being out didn't help at all. I'm doing my best to not worry too much about him and to not imagine that everyone and everything at the store yesterday was covered in virus. Though the helpful gentleman in the OLCC store explained to me all about how we are already carrying the virus and somehow the Chinese and Russians are working together to activate it. At least he did it from 6 feet away so that was good?

Stay safe, everyone, wash those hands!


There you go. Christopher has it. I'm trying to do my best not to freak out. Which he "helped" by not telling me until Sunday that he came down with it Tuesday, talked to the doctor on Wednesday... That's the hardest part of having grown children. While everyone else is dealing with homeschool and bored kids who just need so much from them those of us with adult children deal with them being adults and not needing us. But it doesn't change the fact that you feel like you should be doing something. Like if he were here I would have done the shopping so he wouldn't have been exposed.

Like somehow I have special no virus properties?

I'd like to say I'm not worried about him, but obviously I am. But he's really fine right now. The fever is low. Today it was 99. The body aches are gone. He's not having any breathing issues. He's young so most likely this really will be it and he will recover and be safer than the rest of us as he will have the antibodies. But still...

I also found a service that delivers eggs and milk to your door, just like olden times so hopefully that will fix my egg issue with the store. And gives me a chance to support a local farm and get the free range chicken eggs I prefer.

Stay safe.
Stay home.
Don't make me mom guilt you over this...

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