Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Corona Chronicles...Don't Yell at Other People...

So here is the good news, or at least good news for me! I've got three fiction snippets wandering in my head right now. I'm hopeful that they will become actual things soon. Not tomorrow, because Brent has an all day video conference and I'm a "hard typer" apparently so I can't really work on my writing while he's on conference with other people.

I'm actually kidding a little there. I know I'm a hard typer. I'm a hard typer and a fast one. And I used to have acrylic nails so the women I shared an open office with let me know very quickly they could tell when I was working on anything because CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK...I told them that headphones would be a good investment.

Yeah. I was a jewel to work with.


I've got a few things brewing and it makes me very excited to think I might actually get some fiction brewing again. But for today I give you my second piece for the journalling group:

April 7, 2020

The neighborhood kids are playing together outside. Again.

I live in a townhome community and the alleys are play spaces. Skateboards, bikes, basketballs, chalk drawings. Just hanging out and talking for the older kids.

Today is a sunny day. We are looking at a few in row this week. Probably will hit 70 tomorrow. In the PNW sunny, warm, spring days are a gift. We all run outside and just soak in some vitamin D. And that's just after a normal winter.

Now? When people have been trapped inside? Now you can practically hear people pacing by their front doors "Should I?" But that's just the adults. The kids are out and playing.



They did this the last time we had sunshine. And that was before it got warm. And it was at the beginning of the lock down when people weren't really taking it seriously. But for the past bit they have been taking it more seriously. Or so I thought. Until the sun came out.

It's probably only three or four families. Ten kids or so. But still. That's three or four families that are now one big bubble sharing all of the germs those three or four families had contained inside their house before. And it includes the family behind us who aren't 14 days out from when they returned from Spring Break. Yes, they still took their Spring Break trip.

And I'm repeating to myself that I have no control over this. That it really doesn't affect me at all. I won't interact with their kids. Or them. Those three or four families might all get sick, but I won't. Because I'm staying inside.

That's what I keep telling myself. So far it's keeping me from throwing open the back door and yelling at them all to SOCIAL DISTANCE! GO HOME! STAY HOME! STAY SAFE!

And now instead I'm writing this to get the frustration out. The lack of control feeling. So at least I'm writing. So maybe it's a good thing?

No. I still wish they would take this seriously and go home.

Okay, so there was that. Now wish me luck for some fiction! I took a few notes, I'm letting it marinate. I'm hopeful that Thursday I can annoy Brent with a lot of loud fast typing.

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