Monday, April 27, 2020

National Tell Me a Story Day...

It's National Tell Me a Story Day, which is the perfect time for me to work on some fiction right? Especially since I've been in such a creative rut lately.

But it actually was good timing. See I read a newspaper article yesterday from an up and coming creative talent who inspired me to just sit down and write. He even gave the opening line for a story and you all know how much I love a writing prompt. So here you go...

Once upon a time there was a young man who lived in his imagination.

Right now there are some of you who are pushing up your glasses and sniffing, "You cannot live in your imagination. That is impossible. You have to live in the real world."

This story is not for you.

There are also some of you frowning and clasping your hands with worry, "Oh my! People who live in their imaginations are not normal and we need to fix them right away!"

This story is definitely not for you.

Some of you are seeing a large castle, or a haunted mansion, or a small house in the woods, or a cave with dragon's treasure, or a bounce house with big balloon letters spelling out IMAGINATION in different shapes and colors, and for you? I say, yes, this is for you.

The young man who lived in his imagination lived in all of those spaces. Sometimes at the same time. Because his imagination was vast. Like an open sky. Or a deep ocean. But it was also small. Like a movie made on a kitchen table with a parade of things that shouldn't be able to move. But they did.

To live in your imagination is to see the sky for all its glory and then to see the clouds are really just the smallest drops of rain.

Once upon a time the young man's father took a picture of him with his imagination:

The young man looked at the photograph and smiled. You know the smile, the one that says, that was a lovely thought but...

His father said, "I thought you would like to see what I see."

The young man said, "Yes, but if it's my imagination, shouldn't I show you what I see?"

His father then smiled. You know the smile, the one that says, oh that really is a lovely thought.

So the young man showed his father this:

His father was confused. "But my photograph shows how vast your imagination is, it shows how great the colors and the space are. It is as large as the sky and as deep as the ocean."

And the young man said, "To show all of my imagination you would have to go to the farthest edge of space and take the picture again."

His father smiled again. You know the smile. The one that dads get when they are about to teach their children important lessons. "But there is no edge to space, son. It's always expanding."

And the young man smiled again. You know the smile. The one that children get when their parents finally understand the important lessons. "Exactly. My imagination is limitless. To capture a photo you just need me and my heart."

Once upon a time there was a young man who lived in his imagination.

Some of you are saying, "This was a very short story!"

And to you I say, that's because this isn't his story. His story is limitless. This was just an introduction.

The Beginning...

(Photo Credit to Conor Slattery and to Oscar Slattery thank you so much for the inspiration and the permission)

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