Wednesday, April 22, 2020

The Corona Chronicles....Things Are Getting Hairy...

Watching the idiot protestors and the recurring theme was they all really need their hair done.

Like we need to get this country opened back up RIGHT NOW because their roots are showing.

I wish like mad that I was kidding.

It's even in the first wave of Georgia openings. Hair salons, tattoo parlors, and massage studios. All known for being able to keep a safe 6ft distance while working...

I just don't get it. And I am SUPER vain about my hair. Seriously, you all should know by now. My hair is my crowning glory. Literally. Short kicky cut that is made for my face. For the past 4 years or so I've been dying it red as well. So not only do I have a short cut that needs to be shaped every month to keep it perfect, but I have roots that get covered as well. I am three weeks past the due date for my last cut. Next Saturday will be my second missed cut and dye.

And I'm fine.

I mean I did have a dream last night that I got a haircut.

But I'm fine.

Really. Not even kidding. Even in the dream the cut I got (which was SUPER cute by the way) I need my hair to be longer than it is right now on the left side to do it, so I'm not even stressed about it.

I also am getting a look at my gray for the first time in a few years. Which is cool and depending on how much grow out I get and what the mix looks like I might go back to my natural color after all of this.

The whole reason why I finally agreed to going red (I have always wanted red hair, I just didn't want the hassle of getting it done) was because I was going gray, but not quick enough. Yep, not quick enough. I LOVE my gray hair. It's silver and shiny. Like tinsel threads. The problem is there hasn't been enough of it to carry the brown, so I was looking really dull. The shine was gone in my normal color but not being replaced quickly enough with the silver.

So anyway...I have a lot more gray than I used to have and if it's enough then I think I will let the red go and go back to my natural color. But with the cool rinse/seal thing that Sara does to keep the shine up while the tinsel keeps growing in.

As long as there is enough to really look like I'm going gray.

But the only way to tell that is to let it grow in. And the only way I'm letting it grow in patiently is by waiting out the stay home orders while know...staying at home.

I get that you think you need to get your hair done, I get that you feel like you aren't as attractive as you were before. But I also know that getting your stylist, or their other clients, sick isn't really a great idea. My stylist also has two kids. So I could come in, not even knowing I was sick, give it to her and have her take it home to give to them. Because I can't really wear a mask while I'm getting my haircut, and I'm not sure she could cut my hair wearing gloves. She probably could, because she's a genius with hair, but maybe not.

And getting her and her family sick really isn't worth me getting my roots touched up.

And you know what? Until I take a picture and post them (which you know is coming next month!) nobody will even see my roots and my shaggy hair because I'm staying home.

Stay home.
Stay safe.
You look fine.

Take it as an opportunity to grow your hair out to try a new color later or a new style this summer.

It will be fine.

Worst case scenario, you can wear a hat.

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