Thursday, December 19, 2019


I have to take it as a compliment when someone tries to get me with an ah ha! statement. You know the ones where they think they've got you backed into a corner and have now proven that you are not as smart as you think you are! Ah ha! Gotcha!

Okay? Good for you. You've proved...something?

Now, I will admit, I'm pretty damn smart. I just am. That's a fact. I read a ton. I ask questions. I study things that I find interesting. It's just the way I am. But I'm not the smartest person in the world. Hell, I'm not the smartest person in my house and when Christopher comes home tomorrow I'll move another spot down the list.

And trust me when I tell you that there isn't much more humbling than discovering your space on the list is below your middle schooler...okay fine....elementary schooler. He's really smart. Just is. I beat him with experience and a broader world view so I can (sometimes) get that massive intellect to view things differently. But just flat out smarts? He's got more than me.

As far as the other person in my house above me on the list? Well to be fair, there are multiple lists and sometimes I'm higher than he is and sometimes he's higher than I am. Overall I give it to him though. But he will tell you that I'm smarter than he is, and pretty too.

See how smart he is?

Even growing up I wasn't the smartest of the siblings. That's my brother. He's really smart.

Not being the smartest person in the room isn't new to me. And I don't think I am. So when you get me! I'm left a little puzzled at your effort. So I've decided to take it as a compliment. That maybe I am the smartest person you know and so by knocking me down a few pegs you can feel smarter, just for a moment, and hold that in your heart as a shining nugget of joy.

Or something.

So here is the latest one and I'll let you see how they got me! and how I feel about it. Spoiler alert...I don't think I was gotten, not even a little.

My vote blue no matter who stance was called out as hypocritical because I rail against people who vote party line. And I especially have issue with Republicans who voted for Trump because of the R.

But here is my reasoning as to why it's not the same. Or at least not hypocritical. At least in my view.

I am not voting straight up Democrat because I think the Democrats are always right. I'm saying for this election, this cycle, this time the way to get Trump out of office is to vote him out. And because we have a two party system the ONLY way to do that is to vote against him. I would LOVE to have that person be someone that I'm excited about voting for. I will be THRILLED if that is the case. But it doesn't matter because the important thing to me is that he is not re-elected.

I'm being very upfront about it. I'm not hiding it. Which is also where I will stand and differentiate myself from what I have criticized.

In the run up to 2016 I had family members who went from saying that they could NEVER vote for Trump because of (take your pick of moral failings) who right after the election were talking about thanking god he was elected. So you know...they could never say out loud to me that they were voting for him, and in fact said they weren't because they were ashamed.

I had friends who after the Access Hollywood tape came out could NEVER vote for Trump because they have women in their lives and they see how he is. Which, let me just say if you have to equate it to your mother, daughter, sister, wife, to understand that grabbing someone by the pussy without their consent is bad then you have another issue to deal with. You shouldn't have to have a personal attachment to have empathy. Anway... They could NEVER vote for Trump right up until they did. And then bragged about it after the win. Again. Ashamed to tell me because they KNOW it's abhorrent but then cool because he won.

I'm not at all ashamed to tell you I will vote for whatever Democratic candidate gets that nomination because Trump needs to go. I'm not voting for someone in spite of the fact that they are misogynistic, in spite of the hugely racist fan base, in spite of the broken morals. Because that's what everyone who voted for Trump because of "economic issues" did. They said, yeah but that shit doesn't matter to me.

It fucking matters to me.

So I'm voting blue no matter who.

I want him out of office.

Then we can go back to talking about how the two party system is bunk and we should look at rank choice voting and getting a wider representation available.

Sorry to take away your gotcha moment. But if you read this and send me all of the edits for poor spelling and grammar you can have that moment. I'll even act like I'm embarassed about it.

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