Thursday, December 5, 2019

Blame Game!

So who are you blaming right now? Whose fault is it that you aren't getting what you want, doing what you want, seeing what you want? Or are you currently being blamed for someone else's problems?

Read an interview with the head Republican on the Judiciary committee where he was blaming the Democrats for not letting Republicans have witnesses. He was incensed. And he should be! I mean that's not right! But I mean, it really isn't right. The quick fact check on it is that Republicans have been there every step of the way and able to ask witness questions just as often as the Democrats. The people he was furious about not being able to be questioned weren't questioned because Trump told them they couldn't be. The documents he thinks are important to be seen aren't being released by, yep you guessed it, the White House. But it's easier for him to blame someone else than his own party.

And the people in his party will pick up that banner and yell about it not once really considering that it's their own party that's blocking their access to that information.

Because it's easier to blame other people than it is to take the responsibility for yourself.

It happens every day. You see it in politics, like here and also in the whole "IMMIGRANTS ARE TAKING YOUR JOBS!" because it's easier to blame someone you don't know for your current situation than look at the person you voted for who is blocking higher wages and is more worried about loosening regulations so companies can have higher profits than they are with making sure you are safe and well paid.  Blame to the others, don't look at your part in it.

You see it in generations. I've talked about it before, the weird disconnect for me with the hatred of the "Everybody gets a trophy" generation from the generation who gave them the damn trophies. It's easier to blame these kids today for not wanting to do things the way they've always been done than to actually listen to why they might want to do things differently. Spoiler alert, they have some real valid reasons.

You see it when marriages fall apart. Especially if there was an affair. It's easier to imbue the other man or woman with strong mysterious seduction powers than to admit that it had been months since the two of you had a conversation, or complimented each other, or even just sat comfortably with each other. If it's their fault, then it's not yours.

Here's one I know for me. I have someone who (unless they've finally gotten over it) blames me for their business failing. It was easier to say I did it than it was to look at all of the bad financial decisions they had made that led to it happening. It made them feel better to say that my leaving caused a cascade to happen instead of seeing that cascade had already started and I couldn't have held it together anymore than anyone else. But because I was there I was a handy scapegoat so they never had to look at themselves and take on their own blame.

It's just easier to blame someone else than to think badly of ourselves.

Either that we make bad decisions. Or that we weren't paying attention when we should have been. Or we trusted the wrong people. Or the wrong philosophy. It's just easier.

Now that's not to say that sometimes things really are someone else's fault. Sometimes people do horrible things to other people. Sometimes the situation you are in is fully on someone else. But when you realize that you are in a bad place? Well then you need to start looking at what you can do to get someplace better. Don't blame others when you have options.

I write about my faults and my flaws and my craziness. That's all there because of genetics, upbringing, experiences. Those are reasons. But how I deal with them now? That's on me. I can't blame my past for my future. I can only say that because of my past I have this path to walk and be careful of in the future. Does that make sense? 

Be in charge of your own life.
Look at what you can do to make things better.
Listen to other people when they tell you things.
Understand that it's not really on anyone else that you aren't happy.
And for goodness sake, testify before Congress when you are called.

Or don't blame me when we think you're obstructing justice.

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