Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Impeach Me? Impeach You!!

So I've tried a couple of times today to tune in and listen to the final arguments on the House floor before the impeachment vote.

And I just can't with it...

So far the Republicans have compared the whole situation to the Salem witch trials, BUT WORSE, like Pearl Harbor, BUT WORSE, like secret Soviet trials, BUT WORSE, like Jesus, BUT WORSE and the Democrats have tried to appeal to the Republicans sense of duty to the country but you know worse?

It's awful. It's just speeches and soundbites and future political ads and "hey, Spike, don't give me a bad nickname, look how LOYAL I am!" and...ugh.

We all know how it's going to go. The House will impeach; the Senate will not remove him, he will claim total vindication and the poll numbers will...well...stay the same.

We all know what we think.

Me? I read the Mueller Report. He should have been impeached for that. But there wasn't the political will to do it. It was all too complicated. People would have had to have things explained. It was too hard... Then the whistleblower came forward and Trump handily provided all of the backup to the claim and that was that. You can't really ignore it when he claims it. No matter how often he says it was perfect! and there was nothing wrong! and many people are saying it was the best phone call he's ever made...

So really simple charge. Really simple concept. Really no way for Pelosi not to follow through. And no matter how often Republicans will try to tell you that she's just been dying to do this, she really would have liked to not. It's a political crapshoot as to how it will affect the next election and the one thing we cannot afford is a crapshoot.

But no matter the fact that we all know how this particular chapter ends (impeached, not removed) I do not hold truck with the people who say it was a waste of time. Just because the Republicans won't ever consider holding him accountable doesn't mean he shouldn't be. There has to be at least some sort of question in his head about what he will be able to get away with. There has to be someone who is willing to say, no. And you can tell from his six (SIX!) page diatribe to Speak Pelosi last night that he's not used to being told no.

He's on his way to a rally in Michigan right now where he will claim it's unfair and they are just so mean. He will say you can't impeach a president who was voted for by 63 million people (ignoring that you can ONLY impeach a president who was elected, that's how it works, and ignoring that he got fewer votes than his opponent so it's not really the will of the majority that he is there in the first place). He will say that it's a witch hunt. So many witches in his coven serving jail time already.  He will insult Speaker Pelosi and any number of other Democratic leaders who have spoken against him. All while claiming his persecution.

It's all too much.

So yeah, I tried to watch but I just can't. This might be the presidency that finally broke me of my joy in witnessing history and following politics. There is no joy here. Just disgust.

And that faint ray of hope that We The People will vote his ass out in November.

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