Saturday, March 30, 2024

Old is New Again...

Well since I'm on the old topic new post wagon I might as well stay here.

When I was setting my intentions for this year (not goals so just shush!) back in January one of them was to not get really wrapped up in the political season. I know what I'm doing. I know that a lot of the hate and discontent you see is actually started by foreign governments trying to destabilize us. I know that the loudest ugly voices aren't actually the majority and that I need to use my focus and time to keep presenting ideas to those that can be swayed. 

So I'm going to do my best to just keep a low profile. Not let it eat at me. Not get involved or engaged in pointless discussions. 

Not post FUUUUUUCCCCCKKK YOUOOOUUOOUU on any and every post that tries to both sides the two main candidates for the presidency or acts as if they are somehow morally superior by tossing out phrases like "If you vote for the lesser evil you are still voting for evil." Here's a fucking clue, anytime the options are evil and less evil you choose less fucking evil, you dipshit.

Also, the two major political parties are not the same. They aren't. And if you insist that they are then I know you are not a serious person with serious ideas who deserves to be taken seriously. I know you are a talking points regurgitator who hasn't actually "done the research" or "read beyond the MSM." And I also know you think I am being condescending and dismissive and you really think that you know what you're talking about and I'm just being a tool of the one party system. 

You are trying to tell me that the party that is working it's hardest to vilify my daughter and people like her. To make her existence illegal. Is the same because the other party didn't relieve all of the student debt out there (though they relieved more than any other administration and would have relieved even more if not for losing in the courts). You are trying to tell me that the party that wants to take away all women's (not just trans women's) body autonomy from abortion rights to birth control to no fault divorce is the same because you are mad that this administration hasn't stopped you from getting fewer potato chips in your bag even though they cost the same. 

You want to bring up Palestine and blame this administration for what is happening even though they have been working on getting Israel to comply (subtly at first; within the first few days after the attack warning Israel to not overreact the way we did after 9/11 which COME ON that's an amazing thing to hear any American politician admit just on its own; to more forcefully now). You think that a Trump administration that thinks Netanyahu is doing the right thing is a better idea? Are you fucking high? And if you are then enjoy it now because a Trump administration would go back to trying to make sure that legalized weed is no more. 

And that's the truth that you have to face. This is a two party gig. No matter what you want to think, no matter how you want to justify it, you are either working to keep Trump out of the White House or you are working to put him back in. We do not have a system that supports multiple parties and voting third party during a presidential election is not the way to get us there. The whole system would need revamped from the bottom up. Some municipalities are working on that. Using ranked choice voting and open primaries which, if they are successful, could end the two party system and open us up to the best ideas win. I'm all for that. I have advocated for that for years. Get rid of the Electoral College, get rid of the two party system, get rid of a lot of this bullshit and rework it all. 

But we are not there yet. 

Right now either Trump or Biden is going to win in November. And you trying to claim some sort of moral "oh I couldn't vote for either of them" high ground is bullshit. 

It's a weird way to say fuck your family, but that's what it is

And it's not just my family. It's a lot of families. 

It's not hyperbole to say it's the entire United States of America. Just go read their plans for what they want to do and ask yourself if you or someone you love will be negatively affected by them. Odds are your answer will be yes. Even if you used to identify as a conservative and feel that you should vote Republican because you always have. This is not the Republican Party of yesteryear. It's just not. 

I would argue that it's the Republican Party that the path of movement conservatism leads to, but that's another rant for another day. 

So I'm writing this and if you need to refer to it during the year, feel free. 

I will be voting Blue up and down the ballot again this year because the Red wants my family dead. And that's the truth of it. 

So if you are not doing what you can to prevent Trump from taking that office, and if you are proudly posting about it, know that my silence and absence from your life is actually a really loud FUUUUCCCKK YOOOUUU!

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