Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Shhh...Just Let Me Suffer...

The last time we went to Hawaii I stuck with all of my food restrictions. I think I had one bite of a cinnamon roll from Kihei Cafe and a bite of Loco Moco at the same meal. I brought my own food and snacks on most of our excursions because they couldn't accommodate all of my stuff. If they had gluten free it was made with potato starch. If they could do anything for me it was a package salad. Which is fine, I've gotten fairly used to eating a salad if we end up at a restaurant that has no other choices but once I pulled the tomatoes and the bell peppers off what I had was a pile of lettuce. Not so filling.

But it was still a pain in the butt to try and figure out what I could eat and a bummer to not eat some of the things I really love and can only get there. 

This time I'm not going to do that. I'm going to eat what sounds good and just pay the price. 

We are going to Morimoto's one night and I will for sure not be looking over the menu searching for the gluten free, nightshade free, poultry free option. I am not eating a salad at Morimoto's. Even though I bet the salads there are wonderful. 

I also think I'll probably drink while I'm there. I haven't had a drink since I did dry July. I haven't really missed it for the most part but I do love a good Mai Tai. And a POG mimosa on the flight. And a Hawaiian Gentleman at the resort. Though I might change my mind on these and just find non alcoholic alternatives. If I have a drink and the hot flash hits then I will probably not have another but for now I'm thinking I'll eat and drink what I want. 

I've already restocked my Benadryl and will pack Advil and Dulcolax for joint pain and digestive issues respectively. And then when we get home I'll detox and start again.

I was already planning on trying to get back to limiting my sugar when we get back so a ten day drop everything and eat really clean stretch probably wouldn't hurt. The good news is that I won't have to do the slow add back in. I already know what I can and cannot add back in. 

Now just because I'm going to eat what I want doesn't mean I'm going to eat all of the things. Like I'll stick with the fruit and cheese plate with my own crackers on the flight over. I could have gotten one of their breakfasts but I don't want to be uncomfortable for airline food. And we will probably go into Kihei more than once so I will have their fruit and yogurt breakfast at least one of the trips and not all gluten filled yummies the whole time. Same with food at the resort, I know they have things for me there. Like the luau last time we went they had a whole menu for me and it was delicious. Including some of the best poke I've ever had. 

The real trick is going to be for Brent. He is pretty good about knowing it's always my choice what I eat and when. I have one free meal a quarter that I do anyway. Usually it's gluten. I miss gluten filled things. And by keeping it to one I generally don't have any issues. When I did it for a weekend over my birthday last year...not so great. But one meal? No sweat.

But even though he knows it's my choice he is also always trying to be supportive of me making the choice where I'm not hurting. Which I get, I totally do. But I don't want him to help me make the healthy choice this trip. I want him to just shhh...

So we are compromising. He's getting it out of his system before we leave. All of the, "last time you were able to..." and "I bet you could easily..." and "you will feel better if..." and then as soon as we hit the plane and I have my POG mimosa in hand he has to stop. 

I know there will be a price to pay. And as of right now I am willing to pay it. If it's terrible then I won't do it again. 


Or at least not until the memory of the pain goes away.

One of those for sure.