Sunday, February 4, 2024

AI Detector...

She'd been spending a lot of time staring at AI generated art. Trying to put together a list of obvious tells. If you see these things you know that it's AI generated. Things that AI isn't good at creating. 

Hands are the first thing everyone looks at. For some reason AI cannot figure out the hands. How many fingers should one hand have. Where do the thumbs go?

How many arms and legs? That's another one that happens a lot. Multiple appendages.

But then it gets harder. The more subtle things come in. The things you notice as off but until you look closer you aren't sure why. Glasses where the arm sort of fades into the side of the head instead of hooking behind an ear. Hair that fades away at the ends. Eyes with colors that don't exist in nature. 

You see it and know it's not right but you aren't sure why at first. 

Skin that is too smooth. There are no scars. No pores. No blemishes at all. 

Filters on photos makes all of this much harder. Instagram and TikTok models and influencers. They are real people but they have done unreal things to images of themselves with the filters. Which the AI models train on and use to make more AI images. Smoother. Shinier. Eyes just a little too big. Lips just a little too full. It's all off by just a hair but you aren't exactly sure if it's real with help or completely fake.

Shadows and light sources get to be a bit more complicated. Those you know are wrong, but unless you really understand light theory in art, it's harder to point at and say, that's it, that's what is wrong. The light is clearly coming from this angle but the shadow that should be there isn't, or is going the wrong direction. It will sort of break your brain as to why it's wrong until someone points it out directly, then you know. 

But it's harder to put on a list, shadows and light. People understood count the fingers, but they might not quite grasp light angles. 

Still she worked on it. 

What were the biggest tells? What were the things to keep an eye out for? What would be the biggest tip offs that what you were seeing wasn't an actual picture of a person, or an actual recording of a person but something being generated by AI?

She thought she had a good list.

If she published it with a few photos to show what she was talking about she was hoping she might gain followers. Become an expert in the field. Maybe she would be the one people called to be on talk shows where they were concerned for the youth of America and also for all the grandparents being catfished by sob stories with AI pictures. 

She had big dreams. 

More than 15 minutes of fame. 

She just needed to figure out how to get the extra fingers off of her left hand. 

(writing prompt, new technology)

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