Saturday, February 10, 2024

Elbow My Way In Here...

Elbow Update!

Yesterday was my last day in physical therapy. She gave me a list of exercises to continue to do, warned me not to get crazy with it, reminded me that it could still be a year before I'm at 100%, called me a rockstar patient and sent me on my way. 

I'm glad. It's been specialized therapy so it's more expensive than a normal physical therapy session so not spending that money will be nice. It's also really painful to go. I know it's therapeutic pain, but that doesn't stop it from being pain. 

For instance Friday before I went in I had very little pain, like the amount you get and you think, hunh, I wonder what that is? Today I have OW! pain with some swelling in the joint, I know exactly what this is pain. She worked on loosening up some scar tissue and gave me a new set of exercises that we went through so I abraded it, and worked it and now I'm paying the price. It will calm back down and should be fine by Monday. And it got me out of the gardening I was going to do today so really it's kind of a win. 

I think I'm at the point where I would actually recommend the procedure to someone. There was that stretch where I was pretty sure it had all been a horrible mistake and I took an annoying, painful, issue and made it a super annoying, super painful, this is my whole life now, issue. But at 5 weeks in I could straighten my arm without it shaking. Then a week after that I was cleared to coming in every two weeks to PT, then two weeks later I was signed out altogether. So 8 weeks post procedure and I am at the point where it's a little annoying and slightly painful. 

More importantly I'm at the point where I am rebuilding strength in my arm. Which I will be really excited to have back. 

I'm not talking about weakness like I had to reduced my weights, I'm talking about weakness like I couldn't pour the coffee. Or hang up a shirt. Or wear tights because I couldn't pull them up. 

So getting the strength back will be wonderful. 

And of course then lifting weights again as well. I'd like to get my arms back into enviable shape. Even if it's just January me that would be envious of let's say July me. (optimistically)

And speaking of that optimism, now is the dangerous part, I realize that. The part where I am so much better than I was but still not healed completely. The part where I could end up really hurting myself again. It was a torn tendon, the reason there is scar tissue in there right now is because it's healing that tear. I need to make sure I'm keeping the scar tissue from binding to areas it shouldn't but also still repairing the tear. And it's still new scar tissue so I don't want to rip it open. I need to keep things flexible but also strong. And if I go too hard, too fast I could mess it all up and end up worse off than I was. 

So I remind myself to go slow. That it could be a year before I realize it's been days since my elbow felt tweaky. So far I'm doing well with keeping in mind that I'm not healed.

We are going to Hawaii next month. Normally we would go kayaking but I'm not going to plan for that this time. I kept going back and forth on it, Brent and I go tandem so really I could just make him do everything and only steer lightly. But if we get out there and the wind picks up it would take both of us digging to get back in. (Speaking from experience). And even if my elbow could stand it, my shoulders and arms are not in any sort of shape for that level of work. So I'm not scheduling it. 

Brent and I are in disagreement about snorkeling. He thinks only off the beach. I think that I could handle off the boat as well. His worry is that when you are getting on and off the boat (in the open ocean or beach loading) you are holding on to the ladder and if a wave hits you can really get jerked around. I think if I make sure to hold my fins in my left hand and the ladder in my right I'd be fine.

Right now my compromise is that I will book the trips and a week before we go if I need to cancel I will. That's my compromise. His compromise is that we snorkel off the beach at the hotel and go out on whale watching excursions in the afternoon instead. 

We have different ideas on compromise. 

I'll probably end up going with his idea, just because I don't want him to be worried about me when he should be relaxing. 

Honestly it's not a bad problem to have. A husband who worries about your health while you plan a vacation in your favorite place. 

So that's where I am. The 12th will be two months since I had the PRP done and I think it worked. 

Thank goodness.

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