Tuesday, December 12, 2023


In two hours I have the PRP treatment on my elbow. I'm still a little stressed about it but hopeful it won't be too terrible. Sara's husband had it for his shoulder and he did really well with recovery so if a guy can do it, I surely can. 😉(I just discovered I can insert emoticons in my blog. Now my writing can become even less formal!)

We added a twist to my recovery though. Yesterday afternoon Brent came down with a stomach bug. We are hoping it's the 24 hour variety. He feels much better than he did, the fever seems to have gone away and he's been able to eat a couple of things. So fingers crossed he's better. And that I don't come down with it within the next few hours. If I have to cancel I would have a really hard time convincing myself to reschedule and not just take it as the universe telling me not to get it done. Which Brent said he would mock me over, but I can totally see making that decision.

We have been planning on me being completely out of commission for a couple of days at least but I told him not to worry, if he still felt lousy I would just run the house single handedly. SINGLE HANDEDLY!

He didn't find it nearly as amusing as I did. But I stand by my choice.

I did a few chores this morning that required two arms (even if one is wonky it's at least usable right now) and put on my Bad Ass socks and now I'm ready. 


Yes, I used my socks as a pep talk. I do what I can...

I also jogged for the last time for the next six weeks. It's been interesting being a slow jogger. I've always said if you see me running you better start because something is chasing me. I've felt like my knees, achilles tendon, and wonky toe wouldn't be able to handle running so I haven't. But then Tommy Rivs said you don't have to move any faster to run, just lift your feet up. And that sort of blew my mind. I've always thought of running as moving fast enough that you HAVE to lift both feet off the ground. Not that it was some sort of choice. And he was right. I am jogging at the same pace that I walk but not any faster. I always thought I had to go much faster. And I couldn't do it. But this...this I seem to be able to do. 

And it's given me something different to focus on since I couldn't lift weights. Doing longer and longer stretches of jogging vs. walking. And today I jogged at 3.8 with bursts of 4.4 for 25 minutes straight. Nice. I can walk as fast as 5 mph but I haven't tried that with the jogging yet. It was a work up to it thing. Time first then speed. 

But of course all of that will go away and I will be starting from scratch in February when I can start running again. But that's okay, I know how to do it now. And hopefully I'll be lifting weights again so it won't be the end all be all focus of my workouts. 

The challenge now, because I had to move the procedure by a month, is that we are thinking about going to Hawaii the end of February and I'm not sure I'll be able to kayak by then. Not just the kayaking itself, because I could leave most of the work to Brent, but if we snorkel off of our kayaks hoisting myself back into the boat could be a challenge. I have a lot to hoist and one arm not being able to help would be no bueno. 

But as Brent says, that's a high class problem to have. Oh no...I'll just have to snorkel off the beach. 

So there you go. I am going through with it. I have my PT scheduled to start next week. My friend Shay explained why I can't use the treadmill even to walk for the next few weeks. I'm ready to go. Still sweaty palms nervous about it, but ready. 

Also why I'm writing this today. One so you knew I didn't chicken out even though it sure sounded like I was ready to chicken out. And two because I imagine I won't feel like writing for a few days. So this gives me three nonfiction for the week and just leaves a fiction piece out there. And who knows? If I go ahead and take the pain pills it might be a doozy of a fiction piece! 

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