Friday, December 1, 2023

A November to Remember...

Or not. 

I guess I could have called this one a Tale of Two Novembers. It was the best of was the worst of times...

Covid finally came for me. And it has been so weird. Like I've been much sicker in my life. I've had much worse colds. I've had deeper coughs. I've had congestion that was worse. I've had higher fevers. But I'm still not 100% recovered from this even though I tested negative weeks ago and haven't had any big symptoms for ages. It has been the longest recovery from the mildest cold. 

I mean, I'm recovered...mostly...but left with a lingering tiredness that I just can't shake. And if I try and power through my body says, "nah, bitch, nah." and BAM! I'm on the couch wondering how moving even works. 

Now I wonder if part of it is related to my elbow issues. Chronic pain can wipe you out pretty quickly too, without you really being aware of how much it's zapping your energy. So maybe it's not all Covid, but it peaked with Covid and has not yet gone away. I guess we will see when I get the treatment for my elbow, and pass the "not kidding, this is going to hurt" phase of the recovery. 

So how did I do otherwise?

Writing: if I get a fiction piece in by tomorrow I will hit my spaced goals, even if I didn't exactly hit them each week. I know it's December but because MOST of this week was November it counts on my chart as November. I also hit all of Dana's extra pieces even if one was a fever dream and one will never ever see a published page. They still count. 

Reading: when I finished a book yesterday I hit my fourth reset Goodreads goal, I'm just not going to bother increasing it again. Clearly I've hit that goal, and how. 

I wrote about the self help book and it was a good one. Whew! The bio was Sir Patrick Stewart's. You needed to be a major fan of his, like made sure you listened to him reading the Shakespeare sonnet of the day during the pandemic lockdown, level of fan to appreciate the book. I am that level of fan. He was brutally honest about what a shit he was when he was younger and I actually found that refreshing. It's nice when they don't try and pretend that having an affair is just fine because reasons we will gloss over. (ahem, Barbra, I'm looking at you right now)

I read the Stranglings October book for November which really ended up working out because the November book still hasn't come available. Anway...that was Shoot the Moon by Isa Arsen. It was interesting. A magical realism around the space program. Different, not something I would have picked up on my own, which is the point of following her book clubs. 

Workouts: I talked last month about how the elbow injury meant no weightlifting and how I had actually started jogging. I stuck with that this month, until Covid. Then I took two weeks to sit on the couch and stare at the walls with the hardest workout being getting up to pee... But I got back on the treadmill and finished out not one but two iFit challenges for November even with two weeks off. Because I am a goddamn machine. Also because I like my digital rewards. Also because they were only 30-40 minutes long and I could manage that long without feeling like I wanted to fall down. BUT I did it. 

So what's left for December? I'll stick with trying to manage writing more than not. I'll keep up the jogging/walking interval workouts with the possibility of having to take some time off after my injection. I was going to do the combo self help bio but I'm reading Barbra Streisand's bio so that will count instead. And that's really about it. Healing from my procedure. Wrapping up the writing and reading. Getting ready for a new year without these little milestone markers. 

And honestly, probably another few days of sitting on the couch when I overdo it and my body rebels because I never know where that overdo it line is going to be. Is it one thing? Two things? Five things? It's a mystery!

Happy December! Almost done with 2023, can you believe it?

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