Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Stay Mad...

Five years ago was the day we heard Dr. Ford and (now) Justice Kavanaugh give testimony during (then) Federal Judge for Life Kavanaugh's confirmation hearings for him to sit on the Supreme Court.

Three years ago I posted that two years later and I was still furious. 

I can confirm that I still am.

On the day it was happening I sort of live updated the hearings. My reactions to everything that was said by each of them and by the Senators doing the hearing. I'm still just...I mean pissed doesn't really cover it. It didn't then and it doesn't now. 

He lied. He sat there and lied and yet...

And I'm not even talking about him lying about what happened to Dr. Ford. I will say that none of us other than the three of them that were there actually know what happened. I know that I believe her. But I will never know for sure because we can't. I'm talking about him lying about other things. Which makes me doubt he was telling the truth about her.

Any Gen Xer watching him get questioned had to yell bullshit, or laugh in disbelief when he tried to say "The Devil's Triangle" is a drinking game. Or that he was of legal drinking age in high school. Or that boofing was butt chugging alcohol. None of that is true. And yet, nobody called him out on it. He lied. On record. About bullshit stuff that he didn't need to lie about. Though, I guess if you and a buddy are being accused of trapping a woman in a room and trying to tear her clothes off having a post in your yearbook about the devil's triangle might be well...inconvenient. (For those of you who aren't Gen X the devil's triangle is a three way where you have two men and a woman instead of two women and a man, casual homophobia was pretty common in the 80s)

He also said that he would never give a democrat a fair hearing. And I guess that's true. But shouldn't it have been disqualifying? 

And he was belligerent (I LIKE BEER) and acted like sitting on the Supreme Court was something he was owed. Something that people were trying to take away from him. I mean, not by force, nobody locked him in a room and tried to strip him of his judicial robes or anything. And I mean, not even like legally deciding that his own bodily autonomy was up for debate. But you know, he was owed that seat and how dare anyone suggest otherwise. 

And the one piece that has always boggled my brain (not like it wasn't already boggled from the rest but this one stuck out so much) he pulled that damn calendar out like it was a proof of innocence when on the day that Dr. Ford said it happened he had marked having 'skis with the folks that Dr. Ford said were at this impromptu house party. She wouldn't have seen that calendar ahead of time so how would she have known to say those people were there drinking? You know, unless she was telling the truth. 

And to have him flourish it out like it was proof he didn't do it because he wrote everything on his calendar and you can clearly see that "Tried to rape a girl at a party" wasn't on there so... Now don't you feel silly even asking? 

There was also Senator Hatch when asked if he found Dr. Ford's testimony credible saying she was very attractive... what? I mean... What?

Five years later and it still just makes me so angry. Deeply angry. 

And I'm okay with that. I hope there never comes a day where I don't feel a growing rage as I read back over what was being said. I hope I never decide that it's just a thing that happened and no big deal. I hope my face always does that my face thing when I think about it. 

Stay mad when things deserve your spite. 

And that day, those Senators, that man, deserve your spite. 

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