Sunday, September 24, 2023

Separation of Blog and Post...

So yesterday was Bisexuality Visibility Day. I made a post about it on Facebook and then realized that though I've talked about it here in the blogs I didn't make like some sort of announcement a few years ago when I finally took the label as mine. 

And it's not the first time that has happened. Where I will post something, or be talking to someone about something, and realize they have no idea what I'm talking about even though I've talked about it at length. But on my blog. 

Can you believe there are people who don't read my blog? I know, right?

But it is odd sometimes. I'm really open here. I'm really open most places, honestly. But here is long form. I've written paragraphs, pages, books of my thoughts about things. All of the nuance, all of the details are here. There it's just short blips. Or sometimes longer posts as well. I can't help it, some things are complicated and need paragraphs, not sound bite sized clips, but even a long post there isn't the same as short blog here.

I think we, the whole we, just want to be seen and understood. We all grasp that we are complicated and don't want to be misunderstood so we try and try to be clear, or clear things up that aren't clear. 

We just want to be seen. 

Even on days that aren't to mark how entire groups of people are erased from history (PICK A SIDE!).

I think that's really what drives me the most. I want to be understood. I want to understand others. I want that moment where it all clicks together and I know why you do what you do. Why you think the way you think. Where I feel like I really know something about you. And I want you to have that moment with me. 

I think we all do.

Think of how many relationships end with that feeling of "You didn't even know me at all."

What a good thing it is to be seen. To be understood. To be known. 

Sometimes I will get a text or a message from someone where they will share a story and then apologize for getting too personal. I always have to tell people that it's okay. That I don't want their superficial when I can have their deep. I am never going to be mad at you for sharing a story or a touch point. Never. If you are on my friend list, you are there for a reason and the better we know each other the better in my book. Let me see who you really are.

Is that the basis of loving someone? Seeing them? If you say you love someone but you don't really understand them is it that you love them, or you love who you think they are? Or what you can project about yourself on to them?

I've heard that said about Obama when he ran for President. People didn't really know him. He didn't have much of a record in public office just yet. So it was easy to project on to him who they wanted him to be. Hope and change meant something different to everyone and we all put our own version of that on to him. By the end of his presidency when we all felt like we knew who he was a little more there were people that were disappointed. He let them down. He wasn't who they thought he was. But whose fault was that? Had you seen him or had you projected on him what you wanted?

How many personal relationships are like that? You just needed someone to be a certain way and when they weren't you were disappointed. Whose fault was it? Them for not being that person or you for not seeing who they really are?

As I'm looking at my new year no goals just be plan I'm thinking more and more about the way I use social media. Should there be a separation of blog and posts? Should I keep the Facebook/Insta/Threads (if I ever start posting on Threads) lighter and superficial or should I keep the balance I have now between sometimes it's preachy (yes, it's okay, I know I get preachy) and sometimes it's just cats or should I make it just like the blog, a lot more personal?

I'm not sure. 

I just know I want to be seen and to see as well. 

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