Friday, September 8, 2023

Four More Months...

I've got four more months of this year left. I'm on the downhill slide portion of the year for sure. Before you know it it will be Halloween then Thanksgiving then Christmas and Happy New Year what's next?

But right now I'm looking at the calendar and the number of days left that I want to be sitting down writing and the complete dearth of ideas in my head and...

Four more months. It's pretty daunting. 

Around 50 new ideas for nonfiction pieces and 15 fiction pieces. New ideas. From the vacant space in my head that is labeled "BLOG IDEAS"

It's times like these that I think I have nothing new to say. I've written about it all. Anything that is interesting to me I've already covered. Anything that pisses me off I've already ranted about. Anything that is political I've beaten to death. I have nothing new. 

Not that that has ever stopped me. I mean I revisit the same topics multiple times. I'm pretty sure I've written blogs about topics that if you were to put them side by side you'd think, did you cut and paste? But no, I just felt like talking about it again. And honestly probably forgot I already had. 

Even this piece, the I have no ideas so I'm just going to free flow all of the words banging around in the echo filled empty cave of my head onto the screen. I have written this piece probably 300 times. Give or take a few hundred. 

Life is like that though. 

Brent and I have been together for a few decades and we've had the same conversations over and over again. We know what each other thinks about politics, about clothes, about shoes, about the cats...we've covered all the ground. And yet...

Sometimes one of us will say something and the other is surprised. They had no idea. A food that someone doesn't like, or a color, or a TV show. Or there is a favorite song that you never knew was a favorite. Sometimes a story about childhood. And you think surely you've covered everything by now, but nope. There is something new in there. In the middle of a conversation you've had 4000 times give or take a few thousand.

And I guess that's the trick. Even when you think you've said all there is to say, or heard all there is to hear, you just keep talking and keep listening. 

There is always something new to be discovered. 

Even if you've read this exact same blog 301 times.

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