Thursday, February 2, 2023

Oh Stop It...

Last week a friend posted one of those "Which person are you?" things. This one was four pictures of a bed. Fully made with pillows, hospital corners, comforter pulled up but not really straight and completely unmade. It was just a silly little thing. For the record I would be a hospital corners, but Brent hates a tight sheet across his feet so it's a loose sheet tuck with the fully made and pillows. 

It was just that sort of silly thing. Nothing really earth shattering about it. Just a "hey how do you do this thing we all do every day?"

But what I kept seeing is the response from people who don't make the bed that "they are too busy for that" or have "more important things to do with their day" than make their bed. Excuse me? Your life is so busy you can't take five minutes max to make a bed? I mean, how are your teeth doing because that's around 2 -3 minutes out of your apparently jam packed schedule. 

It was just so weird to me. If you don't want to make your bed, don't make your bed. But don't try and act like it makes you a superior person because of it. Like all of the bed makers out there are just frivolous time wasters who couldn't hang with your action packed life. Just say it's not something you care about and move along. No need to try and shame other people because you are sloppy. (I'm kidding, I'm not really shaming you either, it's your bed, do what makes you comfortable)

I see that sort of messaging over and over again. People can't just like something or dislike something without slamming other people's choices. And often it's a sideways slam. A, I see you are doing this but I'm just too busy, wonderful, intelligent for it myself, you simpleton...Okay.

It doesn't make your choice more valid to slam someone else's. Especially when it's pretty clearly a defensive thing. Like those non bed making people. They have spent their lives with someone telling them to make their beds and instead of just saying no, they feel the need to disparage those of us who do. 

And I've fallen into the trap before. The whole, who has time for that? Whatever the that is. Maybe edging a lawn or dusting baseboards every week or whatever task brings them comfort in how nice it looks, that I can recognize, wow that looks nice, but I have no urge to do. So instead of saying, yeah, I don't want to do that, I feel the need to claim it as a waste of time. 

Or I have in the past.

I try really hard not to do that anymore. To make sure I just say, that's not for me. To remind myself how pissed off I get when someone tells me I have too much time on my hands, or I need to get a hobby when I'm talking about something extra that I do. 

I don't watch certain TV shows, but it's not because I'm just too smart for them, it's because I don't prefer them. I don't read certain books, not because they are a waste of time but because I don't like the storylines. (SHE DOESN'T READ, DANA! <though I might be growing to like her more which is pissing me off even more>) I don't go to certain movies, I don't see certain plays, I don't watch certain sports...all of them just because they aren't my cup of tea. Not because I'm just too busy, intelligent, precious to do them. 

Like what you like. Own it. Love it. Share about it. But don't feel like you have to get defensive about it, or about what other people like. It's just not for you. And that's okay. 

Oh, and for sure take the two minutes to brush your teeth. Really. Nobody is that busy. 

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