Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Two Months Down...

One step closer to those yearly goals!

Good month as far as numbers go. 

Read the bio/auto bio, read the self help, read the Stranglings' book, read a couple extra, cleared another book off the Kindle. The biography was The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks which is a little different than a standard biography, super interesting and eye opening for sure. The Stranglings' book I just finished this morning after a concentrated push yesterday and today. See, I normally get those from the library and I didn't notice at first that it was not only Jenny's pick for Stranglings it was also the GMA book club pick, so the wait list was INCREDIBLY long. When I checked in last week to see how close I was I was still an estimated 4 months out...whoops! Then realized that February is still only 28 days long so I had better get a move on in buying it and reading it. 

I get most of my books from the library now. Because I read most everything digitally I don't have the need for pristine beautiful hardcovers lining my bookshelves. So I use the library. In my mind it's actually a double good thing. The library is buying the books so the author is selling books, and I make a donation to our local library of what I would spend on books so the library gets funds as well. But because I get the books from the library I have to watch those wait lists if I set up arbitrary deadlines.

Workouts were consistent this month. Better than last month. I hit Monday-Friday every week. I tried that 3 mph 12% incline for 30 minutes thing I told you about last month. I did it on Wednesday every week. It was hard, not going to lie, it seems really simple but that incline is a challenge. Got my heart rate up for sure. But it was also pretty boring so I'm not doing it again in March. Switching back to lifting weights 3 days a week and doing some sort of cardio five. 

Still not going to pick up the Picture of the Day. The list was still uninspiring to me. Keeping Selfie Saturday, even if it became Make Up Monday this week. The snow at the end of last week kind of tossed my schedule out of my head. The days all sort of froze together. It wasn't horrible though, I had just gone grocery shopping and even though I thought I'd be out of the house running errands by Friday the only thing we got a little tight on was eggs. We get our eggs delivered from a local farm and they couldn't get out and do deliveries on Friday like they normally would. The roads were still too bad. We finally got them yesterday. But I got some extra on Sunday with the week's groceries so crisis averted! 

Still keeping up with the extra fiction to Dana as well as the four blogs a week here. Though every week I'm pretty sure it's going to be the week I don't hit those numbers. But so far so good. I'm still questioning my sanity at setting those numbers so high, but apparently it's doable, just not doable and slackable at the same time. Which is probably a good thing.

This month the extras will revolve around the house. I need to get it inspected and have things taken care of while still under the first year warranty. Mostly cosmetic things I think, but it's all going to take time to handle.

So 1/6 of the year down, so far so good!

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