Monday, February 27, 2023

Should Be Easy...

So I started The Road To Recovery Part 3 with Tommy Rivs on iFit today. The first two parts have been really lovely. I've talked about it a bit before, he got very ill in 2020, thought it was a bad case of  Covid, ended up being cancer. He was in a medically induced coma for awhile, basically spent a year getting treatment. He was a marathon runner and a pretty famous one at that and after all of this he needed to learn to walk again let alone run. 

So before this I hadn't been able to do full series of Tommy Rivs' workouts because they have all been running programs and I don't run, I did a few stand alone pieces of what would be recovery day walks in his longer series but not the full meal deal. But with the Road to Recovery I've had the chance to work out "with" him and even did the Boston Marathon series with him. Broken out to 7 hours instead of his normal time, so it was great. 

He's a really interesting trainer. I've enjoyed the times I've gotten to do a one off with him on his recovery days, and the three post cancer series I've done have been really nice. Easy, slow pace, a lot of pondering and sightseeing type walks. He's very informative about the places he's walking, some trainers are like, Oh look, there's a building that looks cool, he's more Remember how we discussed the difference in architecture styles from when an area was under Roman control versus when it was under the Turkish empire? Just a little different level of information. I really dig it.

But for this one he is setting it up as a chance to work on something yourself. Not just use the walks as recovery walks, or getting back into working out walks, but actual "hey, let's ponder a problem and make it better" walks. Sounds good. So today I'm supposed to think of something in my life that I have control over that I'm not really happy with and I want to make better. 

And that is totally what I do. All the time. I'm always looking at goals and schedules and what is bringing me joy and what I want to accomplish and...yeah. Totally drawing a blank for this. 

Because I'm not really unhappy with the way my life is going. I just like to play around with what I'm doing. So I'm kind of stuck on what exactly I want to make my focus "issue" during this series. 

Do I want to focus on being more productive with my time? Like, turn it into the Leaving Facebook workout series? But is that really a problem that I don't know how to tackle? I mean I know what I need to do, it's just doing it that needs to happen.

Do I want to focus on the creativity push I'm doing this year? Though it's hard to listen to what he's talking about and also plan a blog or story in my head so maybe not.

Do I want to focus on the house? Is that really a me problem to fix or is it just a things that need to be done? I'm not sure if that's really something I'm unhappy with, I mean I am unhappy with it, but not in a deep way.

I think I'm probably just overthinking it all. 

Maybe that should be the issue I tackle. Not overthinking what my issues are. That might actually work well. 

Like as I'm doing the walks if he's got prompts on things to think about or work through maybe I just focus on whatever pops into my head that day. Instead of trying to find a problem to fix just let them be "let them be" workouts. 

Hmm...That might work. 

Or I might be trying to skate out of my homework assignment for the evening because I have a lot to do today and don't really want to spend it trying to focus on what isn't working in my life instead of the work I need to do. 

I guess I'll see tomorrow when I do the second part. 

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