Sunday, January 1, 2023

2023 How's it Gonna Be?

Okay, I've been watching The Wheel and went from the first night hearing him do that "One in three, who's it gonna be?" and thinking oh gosh that's annoying to two weeks later having it firmly stuck in my head and REALLY thinking it's annoying. So now you know where the title for the blog comes from today. You're welcome.

So this year is kind of an odd combination of goals and meanderings. I've got some hard numbers for things (really hard for number of blogs, actually) and some soft ideas around how I want the year to go. A mix. 

So let's start with the hard numbers.

60 books.  I know this is what I set for last year with the move planned and I surpassed that even with the down time. But this year I'm breaking it up a bit into subgoals and that will slow my reading speed. I'm doing two nonfiction and three fiction a month. I talked about it before. I'm going to do a self help book to see what I take from them in my 50s vs what I took from them in my 20s. Though I'm not re-reading ones from my 20s for the most part. I'm doing one bio/autobio a month. And then the fiction is two free choice and the Fantastic Stranglings pick. Though those extras could shift a little depending on how the other reading goes. I think it will be 5 books a month but it might be 4 one month, 6 another. Nonfiction is just so much slower of a read for me I think this will actually be challenging. There is also another sub-subgoal to make sure that at least one book a month is off of my TBR already owned pile. I've got SO MANY books loaded on my Kindle that I've not gotten to yet it's almost embarrassing! Almost. I mean it's totally not. But I do want to read those books. I wouldn't have them if they hadn't looked interesting at some point, right? 

208 blogs. This one is crazy in a way. When I break it out to weekly numbers it's totally fine. But when I then add all of those weeks up and look at what I've done in the past I'm like...whoa. Wait a second. In 2014 I wrote 177 and in 2015 I wrote 185. Those are BY FAR the highest totals I've ever reached. So instead of taking one of those I decided to sail right past it. Or actually I didn't even look at my historical numbers when I was deciding on this one. It's one fiction piece a week and three non-fiction. That's the average. And that's what I'm really aiming to do. Now if we go on vacation or something happens I'll play catch-up somewhere but the real goal within this goal is to sit down and write more days of the week than I don't. Dana and I are working on some sort of exchange as well and I'm not sure if that will be extra fiction or if I will send her things before you see them. I'm not sure just yet. But what you should be seeing is 4 blogs a week. Some of them will be extremely short, I'm sure, but there will be blogs.

And that's it for hard numbers. Now into the rest.

Fitness/weight/health I want to make sure I get back into a good balanced routine with weights/cardio/flexibility. The past couple of months with everything they've entailed has gotten me out of balance. I've stuck with doing some light cardio, my sciatica has felt better while walking, but I've really let down on most everything else. I want to get back into the solid routine I had working for most of 2022. I also want to drop the extra weight I put on over the past two months while everything fell apart. It's not much, just a few pounds, but I want to get back into that happy knees range I was hanging in last year. I've already seem improvement there as I've stopped popping advil 5 times a day. 

I'm going to try and pull all of my photos off of Facebook and have those albums stored here instead. Once I get that part someplace else I'll make decisions about my social media usage as well. As you know I swing from it's bad and I should leave to it's great and I can't go because all of the people who live in the magic box are there. But a lot of the people in the magic box have already left so it's getting easier and easier to go myself. Last one out get the lights.

I want to finish getting the house set up. We paused to give our finances a chance to recover but I need to figure out how to balance that need and the need to finish settling in. We have a few spaces that need some furniture and then I need to sort and organize again. Starting to figure out the things we put away places that just don't work there. 

And that sort of dovetails into the overarching theme for the year. I want to find what works. Like overall, what makes a day a good one? Is it getting things done? Checking off those lists and getting gold stars? Is it feeling cozy in my house? Is it having things clean and tidy? Is it sitting and reading or coloring or watching a documentary? Is it working out? Is it a walk around the neighborhood? Or in the woods? Or at the coast? What is the combination of things that works for me? Not for anyone else, except Brent and Katie when she's visiting, but what makes me feel happy? 

I'm starting with blogs, reading, fitness, planning, picture of the day and posting on Facebook. We will see where I end up. 

Happy New Year! I hope 2023 is a great year for all of us. It's been a really rough stretch and I think a lot of us are starting to feel like we are breaking out of a rut and ready to move forward again. Fingers crossed the Universe co-operates!

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