Thursday, September 8, 2022


We've been having another flurry of work done on the house this week. Solar panels are going up, some sprinkler work for the side yard, waiting on approval from the HOA to start the backyard. I've also been doing another flurry of calls trying to get MORE work scheduled. We want to seal the concrete on the porches and the driveway and we are STILL trying to get some cabinets for the kitchen. I've also done a flurry of calls trying to find a gynecologist who is accepting new patients and does HRT and doesn't have a website dedicated to how everyone is fat and needs rejuvenating vagina treatments  AND a flurry of clothes shopping on top of all that. 

Flurry, flurry, flurry.

Yeah, I know a lot of you are stuck on the rejuvenating vagina treatments. Trust me I was too. 

What I did to find a new doctor was use our insurance site to try and find someone in network. The first person I found had a really negative review that said you should check out her twitter account to see the sort of shenanigans she believes and the anti science she would push. I checked her twitter and found out she had a degree in gender studies and was posting a lot about how overturning Roe was criminal and is part of a group of doctors working to change "fat" from a pejorative to just a descriptor. My kind of shenanigans! 

Turns out she was full (imagine that) and also though my insurance had her listed in Hillsboro that was just admitting privileges for the hospital out here, she's actually in Vancouver. 

On with the search!

The doctor that was the top recommendation on the site (not sure how they determine that) was well...

Her website lists all of the statistics about how overweight Americans are, how many of us are diabetic or pre diabetic and also ads for vaginal rejuvination. Which, honestly, I'm looking for HRT and part of that treatment does rejuvenate the vagina so it's probably not all that bad, but I'm always wary of a doctor that advertises extra treatments or supplements. I mean you know what they are prescribing for you right? I'm fat and my vagina needs lasers.

So I found someone else. 

They never called me back.

Then on to the next.

I see a nurse practitioner in their practice next week. We will see if she recommends HRT or if I need to go back to Dr. VR.

Flurry flurry flurry...

And in the interest of aging full disclosure that I'm trying to normalize...I'm also going to try pelvic floor physical therapy. (Yeah, I know, that laser is sounding better and better). Do you know who The Holderness family are? They make the funny songs about life, they were on The Amazing Race. They are one of the few groups of people I follow. Anyway, she posted about PF PT last week. She had it recommended by a friend who did it. It's basically just to teach you how to do kegels properly, also to see if your muscles are too tight (can be an issue as much as too lax) and to see what else needs supported in your core. She did it to stop leaking pee while she ran and it worked. I'm hoping to be able to sneeze without fear. I'll let you know.

But add it to the flurry of appointments and having to talk to people on the phone (you all know how much I love to do that) and the flurry of money out of the bank and the flurry of Brent saying, "Woman! What are you doing?" It's fun to explain...well...I want to sneeze and to pee but not at the same time...and I'd like to not have a low level rage simmering at all times that estrogen was apparently keeping at bay...and I'd like to wear a cute dress with fun tights while I do it all. While lounging in my backyard oasis. 

He's fine. He just feels like he should say something to make sure I'm not full blown manic. Which he would still be fine, he'd just know to transfer some cash into the account to cover it all. (kidding...ish)


It's a flurry around here. 

I expect to be exhausted by it all for the entire month of October. 

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