Wednesday, June 22, 2022


So still in that thinking about the second half of the year phase. Of course writing more is on my list. It always is. I enjoy writing. It helps keep my head clear. It entertains me. It makes me feel connected to the three of you that read my stuff. 


As you three already know, sometimes I have no idea what to write about. Quite often I'm sitting down at the computer and staring at a blank screen hoping something will come to me.

I go back and forth on using writing prompts. And even when I do use them I tend to use them loosely. Writing prompt as interpreted by me. But I am thinking about finding a writing prompt book or website and consistently using their prompts. Nonfiction and fiction.

It would end up a dual writing challenge not just raw numbers but also a challenge in following prompts.

I could also do the Fat Mum Slim Picture of the Day prompts as writing prompts. I've done that a few times. The challenge with that being sometimes they don't really apply. I mean I can write a blog about "blue" but it's not much of a prompt right?

And then the real challenge, half the time when I look up writing prompts I click away from them again thinking, "oh my fucking god those are lame."

So maybe the first challenge is to find decent prompts and then the next is to follow them?

Breaking up the day into writing, working out, taking care of the house and then the rest. How many hours a day to put toward writing? 

I mean that's a challenge to decide as well. I've tried in the past to dedicated a block of time, "I write from ten to noon." but if there is no idea there it becomes "I surf the web and stare at a blank Blogger page from ten to noon." 

Wouldn't it be nice if you could turn creativity on or off when you were ready to work? Like flip that switch, pour out genius words, flip it back off and clean the bathroom. (Hey, I live an exciting life and don't let anyone tell you otherwise)

So that's where I am right now in the planning stage. I know I want to do something. I think I have an idea on how to do it. I just don't know exactly how it's going to look. 

So typical me!

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