Monday, June 20, 2022


Okay, coming up on halfway through the year. 

This was the point that I said I'd reevaluate goals and see what I wanted to accomplish because there was no point in doing it before we were settled into the new house and had the old one sold.

We still aren't completely settled into the new place but it's close. We are waiting on a few things to be delivered still, blinds for the office, the new dishwasher. We are waiting on getting some work done, solar panels installed, the back yard landscaped. And we are still filling in things that the new house needs, like some furniture pieces that don't work in the new space and we need to replace some towels and buy some rugs and artwork. 

But it's all trickle in stuff now instead of constant work so it's time to look at what living in this space really means. 

What sort of schedule will my day start to take on? 

And that shifts starting next month as Brent starts going back into the office a few days a week. It's been super convenient to have his commute be 5 minutes instead of 25. And to be able to tell when the "I'm leaving at 6" shifts with a last minute meeting or phone call because I can hear it happen instead of the 6:30 text saying he got delayed and I've already got dinner cooked and ready. 

I mean, dinner time moving isn't really a big deal in any way shape or form, but it is nice when it's not an issue at all. 

So July will be Brent back at work in the office some days. The house projects now mostly manageable scheduling instead of tons of all the time fit it in workers. And time for second half of the year goal setting. 

Which leads me to...

What do I want to accomplish for the second half of the year?

Fitness, writing, reading, new skills? Is there anything that I am feeling the need to drive to right now? 

I'm just not sure. 

I have eleven days to think about it though so I'm sure I'll come up with something. 


I sort of feel like making it through the first 6 months with the move and everything really counts for a whole year of doing stuff. 

Or I could just be really lazy and want to find a justification for that. 

So if the goals become something like "Build up to Napping for 3 hours each day" you will know what won out. 

How about you? What are you looking forward to for the second half of the year?

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