Thursday, June 30, 2022

Halfway For Real...

And we've reached it. Halfway through the year. So what did I decide?

And yes, this is totally on theme for the week. I mean part of the core of me is these goal lists.

And I know they are silly. They aren't life shattering. Nobody but me cares if they are done. They aren't even that hard to accomplish (usually). But they are a huge part of who I am. Brent says I can make anything a game. And it's true. I've always been that way. I am constantly playing some game or another in my head. I never outgrew "hot lava."

Something I figured out a long time ago is that my game playing is tied directly to what we talked about yesterday. I needed to have a story in my head all the time when I was younger. I was a voracious reader (that hasn't changed much), but I also made up elaborate stories with my Barbie dolls and other stuffed toys. There was drama. It's a way to disassociate. When you don't know what is going to happen day to day with your caretaker it's much more pleasant to have a story you are either pretty sure will all work out (books) or are in control of (toys). 

And I just never stopped doing it. 

I tell stories. Some of them even end up here in this blog for fun. But I have a running story in my head at almost all times. I anthropomorphize EVERYTHING. When I let anyone know the running dialog in my head that is happening at all times I get looks that vary from amazement to amusement to shock that if I'm not institutionalized I should at least be medicated.

And a lot of the stories I tell in my head as I go through the day are wrapped around a game. Or an impromptu dance party. Or both.

(Reality check break here: I am using always language here because my normal swing is between slightly manic and even keel. When the pendulum swings toward the depressive side the voices and the games get quieter. They don't go away completely until I'm very much in the down swing, but they do die off. Thankfully those swings are generally short lived, and when they haven't been I've considered that I should be medicated as well, but I want to be medicated to get the voices back so...)

So anyway...goals/games are a central part of who I am. 

And what are we looking at for July? 

Not a lot. Like I mentioned before we are still settling in and there are times where my schedule blows up because of work that needs to be done or calls that need to be made or me reaching a point where I am OVER IT from dealing with work that needs to be done or calls that need to be made. So I'm doing goal light, but still have some things on my radar.

Basically easing in to a new routine and new schedules with the move and Brent heading back into the office. He is planning on being on site three days a week. Monday and Friday working from home. So I will need to meal plan and errand plan around when I have the car and when I can sort of plan on him being home. 

I'm going to switch up my workouts. I'm going to do timed body weight moves for July. Super short but constant motion sort of things. I will plan those out over the weekend and not actually start until Monday. I hate starting a new routine on a Friday so I'll finish my June schedule and then move on. Along with the body weight stuff I'll do cardio daily. Just because I cannot wrap my head around working out 10 minutes a day and calling it good. I've already doubled up from where the idea originated, they did five. Which worked out to three minutes of work and two of rest. I'll do five of work and five of rest. Then a half hour of cardio. 

Writing, I'm going to stick with this theme idea. Assuming I can come up with some themes. I put the call out on my Facebook page and if you have suggestions please leave them as well! I think 20 blogs in July. If I wander off theme then I don't think I'll count those toward the total, those will be bonus content. 

I'm also going to do a round of Picture of the Day. I haven't done one in ages, but the July list is really good so I'm going to pick that back up again. 

And then like I said, setting up a new schedule framework. What needs to be done on rotation to take care of the house? What meals work best for unpredictable home arrivals? And also working on those last lingering items that will make the house feel more settled. 

As July rolls on I'll think about the rest of the year. What do I want to aim for? And of course I'll also be thinking about my new hashtag. I didn't use my 53 one much, in fact I used it so little that I can't remember what I settled on, was it #MeAt53? That seems like it might have been it...but anyway...on to a new one soon! #54MoreYears? 

Maybe not...

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