Thursday, March 5, 2020

Side eye....

Elizabeth Warren dropped out of the race today. Oh wait, suspended her campaign. Isn't that a weird thing, they don't quit, they suspend. I'm sure it has to do with fundraising and paying bills off and such, but it's still weird. But anyway...she's out.

I'm really bummed about it, even though the writing was on the wall. I've been a fan of hers since she was a professor going on Jon Stewart's show to explain finance and needed finance reform. I always found her to be so clear and understandable. But not talking down to everyone. She just helped you understand complicated ideas in a very straightforward way.  She's a smart, tall, blonde. I have a weakness...

I also watched as she worked to set up the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and seethed when Obama skipped over her and gave the head of the agency to someone else. With a penis. Not that that mattered I'm sure...

She didn't run for president in 2016 and got a ton of grief for supporting Clinton. Even though she was one of the first people to encourage Clinton to run so I'm not sure what the surprise was. I guess two smart women was just too much for some brains to hold on to.

Then in this cycle she did decide to run and much like Clinton before her, she had plans. She made it her campaign tagline, "I have a plan for that!" She got more pressure than her counterparts on how things were actually going to work and she had answers. Which she then got grief for. While her counterparts got to skate by on vagaries and nonsense. But that's pretty typical, right? I mean, vagina.
Same with her "mean and angry" debate performance. It was all well and good that she single handedly flattened Bloomberg, but she wasn't really sweet to the rest of them either so that just wouldn't do. While Bernie hasn't stopped yelling at us all in 5 years...but you know...penis.

And the sexism her campaign faced will be dismissed by most. People would totally vote for a woman, just not that woman. And not Clinton last cycle. I mean, come on, Clinton had a ton of baggage and she was hated for so many things. What we really needed was a woman like Warren to run. Yeah, that would be the ticket...who gets sent up next time? Klobuchar want to try again? She at least went out swinging at the hypocrisy that holds women to a higher standard than men. I mean, I have nothing against Mayor Pete but she wasn't wrong in saying that a woman with that thin of a resume would have been eviscerated. The frustration from her was real, and I could feel it.

And then, speaking of Clinton. Her documentary has come out and she's been doing the speaking tour to promote it. Which is, of course, being met with a variety of takes on "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" because how fucking dare she still be talking? Didn't we tell her she was shrill and we didn't want to hear from her again? I mean we could not have elected a more pointed rebuke to everything she stands for if we had custom made him in a sewage plant.


And I have to admit, there are times I even do it. I think, "Just not now. You're not helping." But you know what? Fuck that guy! (even though that guy is me) She doesn't owe anyone her help. She doesn't owe us her quiet smile. She doesn't owe us a staid retirement where she doesn't weigh in on current events. And if she wants to say Bernie isn't liked, then fine, she can say it. I mean, I don't think anyone has refrained from saying how hated she is. Ever. Like even when we really needed people to shut the fuck up and vote they were still "But her emails..." WHICH FOR FUCK'S SAKE THEY'RE REVISITING AGAIN!


So yeah, I don't have a lot of patience right now. Or sweet smiles to make everyone else feel better.

Elizabeth is out and I'm left with Biden or Bernie. And, of course, I will vote for whichever one gets the nomination because neither of them is Trump but fuck....

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