Monday, March 16, 2020

The Pandemic Posts...

So this past weekend was the weekend before St. Patrick's Day. Also the start of Spring Break for a lot of people. Even if Spring Break is due to a pandemic shutting down colleges, schools and workplaces, but still Spring Break. But traditionally this past weekend would have been just wall to wall packed bars and people out partying and crammed together. Now because of the risk of infection and virus spread people were responsible adults and stayed home and...


You know I'm kidding.

People went out. Packed bars in Miami, New Orleans, Nashville, Chicago...getting the picture? Everywhere. The message has gone out. You are going to be fine, this is all a hoax, American Exceptionalism! Whee!!

I'm disgusted but not really surprised. I mean people freaked out and got pissed off when sports were cancelled even when athletes starting testing positive. Showing that the risk was not just for the spectators but for the athletes themselves. Are you really willing to risk someone's life so you can watch them throw a ball around? I mean, I love hockey and I am really glad they put the season on hold. Still calling it a hold but I have to think they will cancel it outright here soon.

But to not be able to give up one weekend of partying? That's just crazy. Alcohol lowers your immune system response. Crowds spread viruses quickly. You don't show any signs when you are first contagious. How is this difficult to follow?

Restaurants in our area have been taking everything very seriously. A lot have added delivery options where there weren't any before. Others are going strictly take out or changing the layout inside the dining room to limit seating. They are trying to stay in business through all of this. And it's going to be extremely difficult. Thin margins. But the answer isn't to ignore the warnings and act like life hasn't changed. That's irresponsible. And honestly, if you ignore the recommendations they become mandatory and much worse, so those restaurants trying to hold on are told they have to shut down. It's not helpful.

Stop thinking this isn't a big deal and look at what is happening in other countries. You know what happened in the ones that have taken it seriously and people stayed home? There are STILL infections; just far fewer. The ones that ignored the warning signs? They are suffering under mass strains to their systems. And now they are trying to lock down something that's already running wild.

What will happen to us? My guess is we are about to blow up with a large number of infections because people aren't paying attention. They aren't taking care of themselves and those around them. We are just at the start of this. There will be months of virus spread and we are going to have to figure out how to live with the new normal for awhile. Let's try not to have the new normal be thousands hospitalized and thousands more who should be but there is no room.

It sucks. I know. But be a grown up and deal with the suckage. Seriously. Don't tell people that it's all overblown and they should be going out (Nunes, you ignorant Fuck), don't think that you are invincible (all of you out partying and posting your selfies like that will protect you). Wash your damn hands. Don't gather in large groups. Think about the people out there that you are putting at risk with your actions. Including the people working in those bars that had to go to work in a sea of humanity because your ignorant ass couldn't stay home one year.

This shouldn't be so fucking hard.

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