Sunday, March 15, 2020

The Corona Chronicles...

Trying out new catchy titles. What do you think?

So...I was sitting down to blog about where we are and what we are doing as things shift when my phone rang for my weekly call with Christopher.

And now my mind is in a totally different place.

Someone in his office is showing the classic symptoms. They are all on work from home now and self quarantined. Not sure if his co-worker will be able to get tested because we are still in the boy tests would be a good thing to have part of this cycle. Basically it's a wait and see. Do they have it or just another bug? How exposed were the rest of them? Two weeks to wait. Which isn't that bad, right?

Except when it's your child.

Then it's time to tell yourself over and over that it's fine. Honestly even if he was exposed and he does get it he's in his 20s and the odds are that it will be a mild case and he will be fine either way. And we don't even know for sure that the person has Covid, it might just be the flu or a cold or...


So yes, it's easy to switch from totally fine to edge of panic in just a few short words. And this is just the start. We will all know someone at some point that was solidly exposed, or has it, or had it, or it will be us that has it. It's a pandemic. That's how it works.

So same advice. Wash your hands. Don't go out if you don't feel well. Social distance even when you are out. Be careful without panicking. And don't hoard.

Now back to what I was going to write which you can imagine me writing while a screaming meemie of panic is still trying to claw its way out of my gut...

Last night while I was laying in bed I thought of a "fun" new game perimenopausal and menopausal women can play. "Hot Flash or Sudden Onset Fever?" It made me laugh. As I waited for the flash to fade away trying not to think "Is this lasting a little too long? Should I get up and take my temperature? I've never actually taken my temperature during a flash, does it go up? I bet it goes up. How could I be this hot and not have it go up? Is it fading yet? Whew.... Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner! Hot Flash!" Who knew I'd be grateful for the night sweats?

We are still doing the severely cut back outings but not locking ourselves inside routine. We went to breakfast yesterday and today. Got pedicures today. Went by the grocery store yesterday morning. I'm worried about my favorite restaurant surviving this stretch. It's going to be months before everything is back to normal and that's a very long time in the restaurant industry to stretch. And I would imagine that within a week or two the recommendation is going to switch from limited activity to everything has to close.

I had a moment last week that kind of blindsided me for a second. Listening to the way the conservosphere has been downplaying all of this and thought for a second that I hoped my mother was taking it seriously with the chemo and the age and...oh wait.

We did call Brent's mother to make sure she was doing okay. She's 70 and has been a smoker most of her life so super high risk group. So far so good. She retired at the end of last year so doesn't have a parade of people coming in and out of the house anymore. The housing board she sits on has been cancelling events so that's good. She was on her way to dinner and then the grocery store when we called. I don't think she was prepared for the lack of stuff at the store, but hopefully she will get what she needs.

The President is taking it more seriously now so watching the whiplash from the conservophere on how they cover it has been interesting. Now instead of it all being a democratic hoax that we should ignore because it's just going to go away soon we are supposed to believe that the President has been on top of the situation from the start. Seriously, watching the retcon of his actions has been amazing. Supposedly he did the perfect thing by shutting down flights from China because it slowed the progression and gave us time to prepare. Well, sure that would have been a thing if he had actually started to prepare anything. Instead he shut down flights AFTER the virus arrived, same with flights from Europe, AFTER new pockets of infection. It's too late. It's here. Shutting down borders isn't a real strategy if you do it after the spread starts. And it's definitely not a strategy when you don't do the actual preparing for the spread part. Tweeting about a hoax, falsely claiming there are tests available when there aren't and worrying about the stock market do not count as prep work.

He supposedly has tested negative for the virus now as well after coming in contact with people who have it. I say supposedly because I find it impossible to believe him on anything. That's what happens when you lie about everything. When people really need something and someone to believe in it's not going to be you.

So personally still in that not panicking portion. Mostly. Like I said, it's harder when it's your child. Even if your child is a grown ass adult. Also still in the limited movement cycle without cutting out all movement but I've been trying to decide if we stick with that or go into hard lockdown and drop the gym and any non-takeout food. Not sure. I've read positives for both sides and negatives for both sides so I'm not sure just yet. But mostly at home for sure. Brent is working from home. I'm cooking the majority of our meals. We aren't going to the movies, sports have been cancelled so none of that, shows have been cancelled or rescheduled so none of that. Mostly at home.

This week should be an interesting one as we are seeing the curve of cases ramp up. It's not an if or a when it's a now. What will people be doing and saying this week?

Stay safe.
Stay clean.
Don't hoard.

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