Thursday, March 26, 2020

Pandemic Prose...

I probably should settle on a title and honestly I'm running out of ideas....

So where are we now? Everyone okay? Or okay ish?

I'm fine. I mean really. The big changes are Brent is working from home. We aren't able to go to the gym. And I'm cooking every meal. Every. Meal.

Okay, not every meal. We were able to get take out last week for two meals and I would guess we will get it for one this coming weekend. But for those of you that know me, you know that's really weird. I normally cook breakfast for us during the week, we go out on weekends. And I manage one maybe two in a banner week dinners. The rest of the time (especially during hockey season) we eat out. But for now I'm cooking.

Which is kind of hilarious.

Because regular readers know that for years I kept SWEARING I was going to cook more. I would make it a goal and hit that goal then as soon as it was over I was done. I remodeled my kitchen thinking if I had a better space I would cook more. It wasn't the space. Except maybe the space between my ears. It's just not something that I found enjoyable. Even though I'm a pretty decent cook. Trying to plan meals and timing (we have one car so cooking and picking up Brent at dinner time is a challenge at times) was always a pain. Now? I have to plan, and then change plans when things aren't at the grocery store. And I don't have to worry about leaving in the middle of cook time to pick up Brent so that's actually made that part easier.

So all I needed was a worldwide plague to turn me into a home cook.

No biggy.

I hate not going to the gym. There I said it. I love sleeping in in the morning. I mean we are still getting up by 6:15 or so but it's not 5:30 and there is no alarm. Not waking up to an alarm is like the best thing in the world. So that is really going to be hard to go back to when things open back up. But...I miss feeling like I'm getting enough exercise. I hate that all of my strength gains are going to go away. I hate that I know the habit will be extremely hard to rebuild. I hate that at 51 the gym is necessary not for vanity but for vitality. I've been trying to get some work in at the house but it's so fucking boring...there is a reason why I have a gym membership. But honestly, it's not a big deal.

So really I'm fine. Brent still has a job. We have a safe place to stay. We've got food and options to get more. Hell, we even have enough toilet paper for probably another month. So we are fine. And I know I'm super lucky.


I'm also having super crazy stress dreams. When I can actually sleep. So I know that I'm not totally fine. I'm worried. I'm worried about Christopher, though he's fine. But he's not here, he's WAY over in Bend so of course I'm going to worry. I worry about Skippy. Who is trying to figure out the best thing to do right now as far as cutting her massive, super cool, road trip short and racing home or taking care of a few things she needs to do and then heading home, or finding someplace to park and ride it out, which is getting more and more complicated as places shut down. I'm worried about my friends and family that work retail and are still going in daily and facing hundreds of people breathing in their spaces. I'm worried about my friends and family that are in health care that are facing a huge influx of illness already. I'm worried about friends who are losing businesses. I'm worried about friends who are losing jobs because of all of the businesses that are closing.

I'm fine.

But not everyone is fine.

So I'm worried.

And I'm pissed the fuck off at people who won't do what is best for everyone and stay home. Or people who are so worried about the economy that they are suggesting we do stupid games like crowd into churches for Easter. Mr. President, you hadn't gone to an Easter service in your entire fucking life before it looked good politically so please don't act like you will miss it too much. And his sycophants who talk like sacrificing Grandma and Grandpa for the good of the economy is a fine idea.

The people vs. profits argument is about as clear as you are ever going to see.

If the economy dives while we are all quelling the surge in sickness it can be revived when we all can safely get back out there. If people suffer from lung damage due to the virus that damage is going to affect their health forever. If we keep having lulls and surges because we can't knock this out we are going to face more issues with health and with the precious economy for a very long time. And most importantly, if people die they are going to stay dead.

Wrap your heads around months, not weeks. Do what you can to help those that have to be out in public services or in healthcare. Be prepared for some group sacrifice that is easy, like staying home, instead of listening to people who think group sacrifice should be with people's actual lives.

Stay home.
Stay safe.
Keep others safe as well.

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