Friday, March 6, 2020


My On This Day on Facebook reminded me of an encounter I had quite a few years ago. It was one of those moments where you are having a discussion with someone and they think they've backed you into a corner and drop the mic. BOOM! Got you!

I love those moments.

The ones where they think they've back you into a corner.

When they haven't.

Now this particular one has stuck with me because it was equal parts hilarious and disturbing. The person is remaining unnamed because I've dropped them off my list and I don't want to bring them back into my life by putting their name out there. Like Bloody Mary or Beetlejuice.'s the exchange.

We were discussing marriage equality, which hadn't been legalized yet. And in the discussion they were taking the not natural stance for homosexuality in general and here was their brilliant drop the mic moment... (using quotes but it's all from memory so know it's not going to be cut and paste exact)

"It's not natural. You know that it's not natural."

"I don't know that it's not natural. In fact, I'm pretty sure it is natural. It's just a variation of what you are used to."

"No. I can prove that it's not natural by your reaction to something."

(I wasn't sure where he was going here but fine)


"What is your reaction when you think of your friend Brian having sex?"


"See? Be honest, it's disgust isn't it? That shows that it's not natural. Humans show disgust for gay sex like they have disgust for rotten food."

(BOOM! He drops the mic!)

"Of course I'm squicked out thinking of him having sex. He's my nephew. I'd be squicked out thinking about my niece having sex too and she's straight. It has nothing to do with who they are having sex with, it's just them having sex that I don't want to ever think about."

(Pick up the mic and hand it back to them)

He knew me well enough to have figured out that Brian is gay. Which, honestly I figured it out when he was four so it's not like it was that big of a challenge for him. But he'd missed the part where he is my nephew. And that's generally the issue with those moments. The person dropping the mic on you doesn't really have all of the information they needed to do so.

I'm still in a fairly bad mood, hasn't lifted from yesterday much so I was happy to have this memory resurface today. It was triggered by seeing the comment from them that actually got them dropped from my friend list.

Like a mic.


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