Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Look, I'm Not Kidding...

We are past Super Tuesday and today is a big voting day for a haul of electoral votes. We've narrowed down to basically two candidates who have a shot of winning. Sure, Tulsi Gabbard is still in the race but both of the others would have to drop and then nobody else unsuspend their campaigns and probably some other form of witchcraft for her to win, so basically, yeah, we are down to two.

Neither one is my first choice.

Or my second.

But as I keep checking neither one is Trump so whichever of them makes it out with the nomination will get my vote. With a fingers crossed deep wish for others to do the same.

Because I'm not kidding Vote Blue No Matter Who. I've said it over and over again. I don't care if that Sanders supporter told you that you were basically a Republican and it hurt your heart. I don't care if that Biden supporter told you that Sanders was a death wish for the party and you are not even sure why that Republican was talking to you. I don't care.

 Are they Trump?

Then you vote for them.

I'm not kidding.

I spent the whole election cycle last time trying to explain how Clinton wasn't the same. How even if you want to trot out voting for the lesser of two evils you were missing the whole LESS FUCKING EVIL point. How the Supreme Court matters, godammit and you need to pay attention. It was exhausting. I tried to dispel myths that the Republican party had spent decades building up about her. I tried to get people to understand that Trump wasn't a good risk. That he would do or try to do all of the batshit crazy things he said he was going to. I tried and tried and tried.

And I got dismissed. And insulted. And it was frustrating. It was saddening to see the loss happen. To see him get elected. Pit in the stomach, actual tears, could not believe that a country that had just elected Obama for two terms could turn around and had the presidency to him. It was disheartening. And then it was disgusting to watch him do what he said he would do. By hook and by crook. By any means necessary. And by having a compliant/weak ass Congress.

I read the Mueller Report. He should have been gone.

I read the transcript of his perfect call. Which wasn't a transcript, it was notes. I listened to testimony from people who worked for him. He should have been gone.

And yet...

And now I'm watching the infighting between the Biden and the Sanders camps. I'm watching the same arguments that were used when it was Clinton and Sanders and I am just shaking my head.

Are either of them Trump?


Then vote for whichever you want in the primary and then SUCK IT UP SUNSHINE and vote for who ever wins no matter if it's your guy or not.

Biden is not the same as Trump.
Sanders is not a commie.

The Republicans will trot out any number of dirty tricks when it's down to Trump and ? Don't do their work for them. Honestly. I saw it when it was Clinton and Trump. Benghazi, her emails, the murder list, which all translated to Dems saying, "I just don't trust her..." Biden is going to get a rash of Ukraine insinuations (you should brush up on the facts if you don't know them and then ignore what they say), Sanders is going to get hit with where he honeymooned for goodness sake. You know where I honeymooned? The Marriott. Does that make me Mormon? Fuck no.

So don't. Don't spread their bullshit. Don't do it now. Don't do it then. Just don't.

Vote for whichever one you want to win. That's what the primaries are for.

Then when it's all over with and the main election starts


Winning the popular vote and losing the election is still a fucking loss. Let's not do it again.

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