Monday, September 30, 2024

Wake Me Up...

As September ends.

It went really fast. And the bummer is the rest of the year will go even faster. I mentioned that we were entering the downhill portion of the year and then BOOM! here we are. But don't worry, it will be slow drag January and impossibly long February again before you know it...

So other than fast how was September? 

Workouts are going okay. I've been able to increase more of my weight and only had one day where my elbow tweaked and I was worried I was about to have a set back. But it was just good old fashioned muscle soreness. Yay! Thinking about joining a gym again to have access to some machines that I miss from the before times. Not sure as I would have to find motivation to actually get to the gym instead of walking out to the garage, and without tying it to dropping Brent off at work I'm not sure if I can trust myself to do it. 

I used to. Regularly. Even if Brent was travelling I drove over to the gym and worked out. But that was after building the habit for years. Now that I've had four years of not going? Not sure. But anyway...lifting a little heavier than I was. 

The running I decided that I just don't want to go faster. I don't enjoy it any more at 5.5 or 6 than I do at 5 so why would I? I also like intervals. Run for a few minutes, walk for a few minutes. The breaking up of the time like that tricks me into thinking the time is passing quicker. Do what you have to to make the workout work for you, right?

Most of the month I've been doing the last in The Road to Recovery series with Tommy Rivs. If you have iFit I cannot recommend him as a trainer enough. At least if you are like me and want to be distracted during workouts. He talks about architecture, he talks about history, he pets stray cats, he chases lizards, he puts every damn thing in his mouth just to taste it like a freaking toddler, and he talks about recovering from his illness and is very blunt that his doctors don't think he will be alive in 10 years. He disagrees. I'm rooting for him. 

Reading, according to Goodreads I'm two books behind for the year. I believe that. Everything I read in September was a slog. Just a bad collection of choices. One of them I would have even put on the Did Not Finish shelf but it was a book club book so I powered through. And not only was it a book club book for me it's been on a ton of lists of highly recommended books. I think it's like Jonathan Franzen books and nobody really likes them, they just want you to be miserable with them. And it was like a Franzen book in that everyone in the book was a terrible person. You had nobody to root for. I have two graphic novels I can read in a day and catch up to my numbers though, so I'm not really worried about it. 

Writing, I hit my numbers plus a little. I do sort of feel like I'm cheating a little by counting the story I'm posting on Sundays. Because technically I wrote that last year, but I didn't count it in my numbers then so I only feel like it's cheating a little. More that it's making up for last year. I'm not sure that anyone but me is enjoying the story (and only me because it makes Sunday super easy) but there are still 11 more weeks of it so you all get to deal with it anyway. 

The thyroid medication has been a thing I take every day. I mean other than that I'm not sure it's really making a big difference. Over the past 6 weeks I've gained a half pound which is better than the rate I was gaining, but still... I get my blood tested next Friday and will see then if there has been any sort of shift in my chemistry. After that I'll decide what I want to do next. Diet? Buy new clothes? Cry in a corner about how unfair life is? A little of everything? 

And speaking of clothes I did sort my closet out and put the things that just won't fit away. I still have some things that are a little snugger than I'd like but I'm wearing them. There was a time in my life that all of my clothes were skin tight by choice, so I'm channeling my 80s diva.

October is going to be a whirlwind for sure. Brent is (as of now) still taking his sabbatical and that starts in two weeks. We will be heading to Hawaii for a week, then home, then to Michigan for a long weekend, then home. And he will be home not working from October 12th to December 19th. There will be temporary routines in place but my normal schedule will be blown to bits for awhile. It's the last sabbatical like this he will take. One of the things Intel changed when the did the massive workforce reduction was getting rid of 8 week sabbaticals. Such a shame. It was by far the best Intel perk they offered. But because he was due one they are honoring this one. I'll miss them in the future but we will enjoy this one for sure.

So yeah, that's it for September. October will be a doozy politically, count on it. Make sure you are registered and ready to vote. Fingers crossed that it all goes well in November. 

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