Friday, November 10, 2023

Plague Days...

Just an update blog on the week. 


And there it is. 

Thank you. 

Kidding. I mean sort of but not really. 

I spent the week sitting on the couch for the most part. Everytime I would do anything it required a lot of sitting time afterward. The exhaustion was real. 

Yesterday was peak whiny sick time. That's one of the levels of sick we have in our house. We have barely sick, sort of sick, whiny sick and really sick.  Whiny sick is when you are sick enough that you can't go do anything but not sick enough that you just want to sleep. It's the bored as fuck of being sick part. The will this ever end point. That was yesterday. 

Today I feel better than I have since Saturday night. Which yesterday morning I felt really good too until around 10 AM and then WHAM! Just so tired. So I think that's why it went from this isn't terrible to I HATE THIS SO MUCH. 

But today, today at 11:30 AM I still feel better than I have. I'm just a little run down instead of totally exhausted. 

Which means we are entering the really difficult portion of the illness. The part where I want to do all the thing instead of continuing to recover. Which with Covid is a bad idea. Rebound sick is a real thing with this virus. Tricky little bastard. So I will try my best to continue to just sit. 

Which I have to tell you either really sucks, or it's a good letting go process for me. Depends on when you ask me. 

My various streaks and goals and gold stars are all slipping away. Unless I feel well enough to walk a little bit on the treadmill tomorrow, this will be the first week in basically a year that I didn't work out at all. There is no way (considering it's Friday) that I will write more days than I didn't write this week. There is a really strong chance I will have no piece to send to Dana on Sunday. The iFit series for this month still has 8 workouts left to complete to get my little virtual badge and since everything and everyone says that even when I'm better working out is going to be a "couple minutes at a time" process of easing back in the odds are strong I won't complete that for the first time in over two years. 

All of my shiny bits are slipping out of my grasp. 

I told Brent about this and he was like, yeah, so? You have to take care of yourself, that's all that matters. And I totally get it. Logically. I mean I'm not forcing myself out to the gym. I didn't even try to write when all I could muster was staring at the wall. But it still sort of sucks. 

Or... it's a really good forced stop. 

Because, let's face it, none of us were positive that when 2023 rolled to 2024 I would be able to stop making little goals lists for myself. Being in a position where I have to stop might just be a good thing. 

I mean, I have plenty of time to wrap up 2023 with the numbers I wanted to hit, just maybe not at the pace I was keeping. And even if I don't, I set up those goals in January before I decided in August that maybe they don't serve me anymore. 

So we will see. That might be the positive that comes out of a week of slammed down doing nothing. 

As far as being actually sick goes, it's been like a cold. A bad cold at times. I've had some fever spikes, a headache here and there, a little dry cough that comes and goes and some serious congestion for a few days. The hardest part to manage has been how tired I have been. If you've ever had mono it's like that. But even my tiredness wasn't as bad as Brent's when he had it last year. He sleep probably 18 hours a day. Not straight but he couldn't stay awake for more than an hour or so without needing a little cat nap at least. So even my stare at the wall state of being was a little better than that. 

I'm hopeful that the trajectory is now solidly on the feeling better swing. And I'm hopeful that Brent continues to be healthy. We made it through his round of Covid last year without me getting it so we are really hopeful we do the flip this time. 

Thank you to everyone for your concern. Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts. Thank you for listening to me whine. 

I'm going to pull one of the fiction pieces I wrote for Dana earlier in the year and post it today as well. Doesn't really count as writing more days than not, but it will make me feel better about the weekly number at least. 

Yeah, I'm working on that no goal thing. I've still got a month and half...

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