Sunday, November 19, 2023

And Go!

Easing my way back into my routines. Which of course would all be blown up this week because of the holiday anyway. But starting to ease back in. 

It's interesting because I really wasn't that sick with Covid. Not like you think of being sick. I had a fever for basically a day. I had a little dry cough that would come and go but it was like *cough, cough* done for another 8 hours. I was really congested for two days. I had a random headache but nothing that was bad. Like a head unpleasant. I've been much sicker with colds for sure. But the fatigue...oh my goodness the fatigue. 

And that's still here. We went to a hockey game on Friday (I tested negative on Thursday) and I only made it through two periods before we headed home. I was having a hard time keeping my eyes open. At a HOCKEY game. And today we are going to go see a musical but it was supposed to be go to the musical then go to the hockey game and we are skipping the hockey game because I cannot imagine I would be able to stay perky enough for that long to enjoy it. 

And my lungs are finally, I want to say clearing, but it's not like when you have a phlegmy cough or that sort of lung congestion. They've just felt heavy. Like breathing was a little harder than normal. Diminished capacity for sure. But that is finally starting to lift. Which I have to think is tied to the exhaustion. Not getting enough oxygen makes you tired.

So now I'm ready to start facing the world again. I mean I still have a bum arm so it's still going to be light work until I can get the procedure done and go through rehab, but pre Covid routine anyway. 

Which means sitting down to write (aren't you lucky that you are getting a health update/planning document to start?) and tomorrow I am going to try and workout. 

I haven't been on the treadmill, which is what I was reduced to since I can't lift weights right now, in two weeks. I told Brent I can't decide if I'm feeling so sluggish because I'm still recovering or if I'm feeling so sluggish because I haven't been able to work out. He said yes. Which is most likely true. 

Now, I do not believe I will be able to go at the pace or the length I was doing before I got sick. I don't feel like I have that level of energy or lung capacity yet. But at least I'll try and do SOMETHING. And start building back up. 

Because I need to move to be able to continue moving. And that's my biggest priority. I want to live to be 100 but a healthy 100 not a husk of my former self 100. So that means getting moving again. 

So here we are. At the end of my personal pandemic (now endemic) saga and ready to start back on daily life. 

And I'm really thankful for that. Even though we are past the part where people were dying by the thousands from this. Even though it's become just part of life that people get Covid and are home sick for a bit. Even though it's not that big of a deal anymore...Even though.  Ann still died from Covid and I still get a little bit of panic each time someone I know tests positive. Including me. 

I think a lot of us are still suffering from a little Covid induced PTSD and it's okay. It was a huge trauma we all went through together. I think it would be weird if we weren't a little shell shocked over it. 

But now the trick is to get moving again. 

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