Monday, March 6, 2023

You're Next...

So the worst of the worst met last week. CPAC. It's the nexus of the worst of them. It's so bad that people you usually think of as being awful people and also republicans skipped it this year. But still, there were the vile, awful, humans who pretend to hold the morals of the nation in their grubby little claws. And they called for eradication of trans people

Of course that makes me sick to my stomach and scares the crap out of me. Not that one hateful human said it, but that he is cheered for it among others who vote for republicans. 

And even if for some reason you are reading my blogs and still feel like genocide against trans people would be hunky dory, you should be scared too. 

Because if they were able to eliminate trans people (spoiler alert, they can't, the "best" they could ever accomplish would be to scare a lot of people into hiding), if they were able to pull off that horrific campaign, they would still have problems. And when they still had problems they would start looking for the next group to blame for them. 

Right now they blame immigrants, members of the LGBTQIA+ community with a special emphasis on trans people and trans women in particular, and people of color; for why they aren't doing well. Or as well as they think they deserve. 

The ironic thing is that they have been spoonfed this hatred of others by people who do not view them as part of their own in group. The ones that view them as the others. But others that can be used to maintain a system that keeps the money flowing upward into the hands of a smaller and smaller group, they are the useful idiots keeping the system running. A system that makes it possible that you are one serious illness away from bankruptcy. A system that allows people to live on the street and blame THEM for not being able to afford housing.

They do it by focusing that hatred on any other group than the one that is actually hoarding the resources. 

Oh you aren't a wealthy billionaire? You know why? Because a 13 year old trans girl is running track. Yup. Or maybe it's because your neighbor took her 3 year old to a Drag Queen story hour. Somehow that is making your life worse! It's not that the CEO of the company makes about 399 times what the average employee makes. I mean, that would just be crazy right? To think that you don't have enough money to live on is because someone else is making millions, when really it's because trans people exist.

But if they get trans folks all back in the closet. If they get the rest of the alphabet family living in fear again. If they get their wall built. If they disenfranchise every person of color that they can. If they do all of that, they will still be making scratch wages while the dude in the corner office debates which one of his houses to go stay at for the week. And then what will they do? 

They will target someone else. Because that dude in the corner office will already be working to give them a new target. They don't have to be faster than the bear, just faster than you, so to speak. If they can keep throwing targets up for you to hate then you won't realize that you could instead be working toward income equality and health coverage for all and housing the homeless and feeding the starving and educating people without bankrupting them and...and..and...

But if we did that then the hoarders would have to let go of their stockpiles of things they couldn't even use in one lifetime. They would have to stop their who got to this level of billionaire first race. They would have to seek help for whatever disease has twisted their minds from this is enough to there is never enough. From being rich is really nice to I need to always be richer. From their hierarchy of needs being met to having to meet their wants as well and find new wants all the time. And part of that wanting is being so much better off than everyone else that the idea of everyone else getting their needs met feels like backsliding to them. Closing the gap terrifies them. 

So instead they make sure to focus the anger on someone else. 

It's trans people right now. 

But please believe you're next. 

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