Sunday, March 12, 2023

Not as Planned...

We ordered new couches for the living room. The ones we have in there right now were bought to be used in our media room in the old house. Super soft, squishy, comfy couches. Not meant to be sat on every day. So we bought a new set with firm cushions and studier fabric.They are coming on Tuesday. 

Before we bought them we measured the room we are using as our media room to make sure the couches we currently have would fit in there. They will. It will be a FULL room for sure, but it will work. And it will be nice to have places for more than two people to sit if Katie is home, or we have anyone else over. 

This meant moving the current couch that was in there someplace else. We decided to put it in Katie's/the Spare room. Which meant taking out the desk we had in there. And we needed to figure out where to put the footstool that matches it. So the desk went back into the office, at least for now. It's sitting at the end of our current desk as sort of an extension. It doesn't really match, but it fits. The footstool we decided to put in our bedroom. To fit it in there we needed to move another piece of furniture to the foot of our bed. Again, it fits, but it's a little more crowded. And we had to throw a gray blanket over it because it is absolutely the wrong color for the room.

We currently have too much furniture and still not enough. Not the right combination. 

But we are making things work. 

So now that the media room is cleared out we decided to go ahead and move the couches into it ahead of the arrival of the new furniture on Tuesday. 


The couch would fit. If we could get it in the room. It's too long and too wide to navigate the turn. If you are the right age you can hear Ross Geller yelling PIVOT! We tried everything. We took the door off its hinges, we took the feet off the couch. We bashed the walls and the door frame up pretty good trying to get that stinking thing in the room. No dice. 

So I'm going to ask the furniture delivery people on Tuesday if they can figure it out. I'm not sure they will be able to, but they move a lot more furniture than I do so maybe they know the exact right angle for it. If not I'll try and sell it. And if I can't sell it then I'll give it away. 

Which would suck, because it's not that old and if we had realized that it wouldn't actually work in that room we would have just sucked up the fact that it is looking a little sloppy for another few years. 

But sometimes that is what happens with plans. You think you've got it all covered and you miss something crucial. Like the narrow doorway into the bedroom.


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