Wednesday, March 8, 2023


"'s like that country song. You know the thank fuck that didn't happen song."

"What? What song is that?"

"That Garth Brooks song. You know! He is back in his hometown and runs into the girl he used to bang and he's with his wife so he's all like, Yeah, thank fuck that didn't stick!"

"Unanswered Prayers? Is that the song you mean?"

"Yeah! That's it."

"He sees her and realizes he needs to appease his wife so he's like, yeah, she's not great, don't know what I was thinking."

"I...I don't think that is the point of the song."

"But at least he realizes that he's not so great anymore either. But maybe that's why he doesn't think she's so hot, because she doesn't look at him like he's perfect."

"Again, I think maybe you missed something in the song."

"Well I mean he doesn't say fuck, but that's just because it wouldn't have gotten on the radio back then. Can you imagine what it would be like if he wrote it now? Like thank fuck I missed all of that crazy coming my way that you post on Facebook!"


"And when they ran into each other at the high school homecoming game she would just cut her eyes to his MAGA hat and shake her head a little, while he patted his wife on her backside to show his disdain for the women's rights post she made in honor of International Women's Day."

"Garth isn't actually a MAGA kind of guy."

"Oh, right! Maybe it's flipped, maybe he's wearing a blue hat with an equal sign and she's all like 'Think of the children!' I just automatically made him the dick which I should really think about, but so many of the dudes I went to high school with grew up to be TOTAL assholes and Facebook has just shown me how bad my taste in boys was back then."

"Well, that's kind of the point of the song. It's not that you had bad taste, it's that you all grew up and changed. I mean dating when you are young is mostly about shared experiences right? Like you have classes together, you know the same people. You aren't really talking politics or deep life ideas. It's just oh I think you're cute and we have algebra together we should totally get married some day."

"And then you run into them later and are like thank fuck that didn't happen!"

"Or...some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers."

"But you know he's actually thinking the other."

"Yeah, probably."

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