Saturday, July 23, 2022

Faulty 400...

Well, that was fun. Five super short 400-word fiction pieces and all of them dealing with fault. That wasn't part of the original theme but when I started the second story and realized it was also about fault, I knew I had a secondary theme going.

Trying to decide on a theme for next week now to wrap this month up. Typing one handed right now so the theme might be "typos, and how to ignore them."

It is seriously a challenge to do the hunt and peck with one hand. I am used to watching the screen when I write. Sort of write and read to establish my flow, but right now there is no flow. It's stare at the keyboard and type for a bit, then look up at the screen and correct all of the mistakes, then go back to typing.

They say that doing routine tasks in new ways helps build new neural pathways which helps to stave off dementia so I'm trying to take this as a positive. It's also a challenge to focus on other things while the wrist pain is distracting and the steroids they gave me are making me a little scattered as well. But at least the steroids are only for a few days.

Though I have to say the wrist thing kind of fits the fault theme. There is a fault in my wrist right now. There is a fault in my pain response that somehow I broke a bone in there and have no clue as to when or how. I mean hitting your wrist hard enough to break it should be memorable, shouldn't it?

I'm torn between making up a good story on how I broke it and just telling people the truth and seeing how they react. Though thinking about it, it is the thumb I had the nerve damage from the bee that tried to kill me so maybe I just thought I had all the feeling back and it is still numb underneath. Though we know it's not numb because the pain is what sent me to urgentish care. Dangit, theory busted before it even got a chance to take hold.

Any ideas for a wrap up theme? Something I could get five more pieces out of? 

And this sentence is just filler to get this wrap up to 400 words, because it amuses me.

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