Wednesday, August 12, 2020

And We're Off!

Gonna give this a try...been a few years since I've tried to work at a computer with a sleeping cat in my lap...

So here we go with the full swing of the election now. Biden chose Harris as his running mate and the Republican Party froze for a minute trying to decide if they should go for the misogynistic attack or the racist one. Then smiled and said, Why Not Both? Plus adding in how she's just SO FAR LEFT! Which, of course, if you are actually around anyone who is SO FAR LEFT you know that she is not. 

The next stretch will be the worst stretch and considering how bad it already is that's saying a lot. But the ugly personal attacks will start from the Right and from the Right's surrogates. The ACTUAL far left will not be happy that Biden chose a moderate and a cop so they will be going after her as well. It's going to be incredibly frustrating and I have so little patience for it all. 

You all know how I'm voting. I'm voting Blue No Matter Who. I'm voting ByeDon. That has not wavered at all. And I know it has with other people as the person they really wanted to win didn't. It made them think that they really weren't Blue No Matter Who because that's just what's wrong with the two party system, man...

And I'm trying my best to keep my mouth shut. 

Most of the time. 

I fail here and there when people are just ridiculous, in my opinion. I mean, fine, you don't want to vote for Biden for current policy issues then fine. But you really need to stop bringing up every single decision he's made since the 80s as if that defines who he is now and what he would do as president. People are allowed to change and grow. If you based who I am now on who I was in the early 80s you would be sorely disappointed in me and surprised we are even friends. And you absolutely need to not make shit up about him, or parrot the Right's talking points, they are busy enough without your help.

And I totally get it. People get SUPER mad about being told if they vote third party it's a wasted vote, or a vote for Trump or whatever.'s just a different way of looking at the election. We have a two party system for all intents and purposes. I don't like it either. But I really don't like Trump being president. I absolutely don't like the idea of Pence getting a crack at it. So right now it's time to be clear eyed and realize that one of the two are going to win. Trump or Biden will be the president. That's the way it goes. And for me there is nothing more important than it not being Trump. That's my priority. It doesn't have to be yours. So, no, it's not a wasted vote to vote for someone you believe in. But do know that it's not going to get them in office and might get someone else in if your other choice would have been one of the two with an actual chance. So maybe not wasted, but moot?

So what do I think of the current Democratic ticket? Well aside from them not being Trump/Pence which is the best possible thing I can think of I also am fine with them. Do they perfectly represent everything I believe? Nope. But they are miles closer than what we have now. And I don't need perfection I just need movement toward a goal. And I think Kamala is incredibly smart and strong and I think Joe is incredibly kind and empathetic and I think those qualities give us a really good chance at being decent again. Maybe not. We might be too far gone and the US might never ever recover, but I'd like to give it a fighting chance and I think Biden/Harris is that chance. 


And that worked for the most part. Partway through too much exciting stuff happened and he had to climb down to investigate, then his brother needed bothered but at least I got a little bit written. We'll keep working on a schedule!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, watching this election play out is already painful but I'm trying to be hopeful and I'm voting for Biden. 💖
