Saturday, August 8, 2020

Well We Did It...

 So we got the kittens. As anyone who follows me on Facebook or Instagram can tell you. I might have taken 3 or 4 (hundred) pictures of them this week. 

I would say that is going to slow down but we both know I would be lying. 

They are really cute and so far pretty well behaved. For kittens. It's a sliding scale. 

And they like each other. Which is great.

For picking one from an internet photo (swipe right or left? which is the keeper?) and one from a phone conservation (what is he wearing? Oh a tux? Sounds cute.) and not being able to have them interact at all before we brought them home I'm feeling really lucky. That and the slow introduction, take a few days, let them smell each other through closed doors, be careful thing did not happen. They rode home from the shelter in their carrier boxes on the floor of the back seat. They could sort of see a paw or a nose through the little air holes and they for sure could hear each other. Not fans of the car ride. Either one. 

When we got home I carried them in together and put their boxes upstairs next to each other and went and got the rest of the stuff from the car. By the time I got back upstairs I could see that they were smelling each other through the air holes and thought well...why not? I mean, I know why not, it's a terrible way to introduce cats but honestly, they are kittens. They are both new. There is no territory staked out. And I also thought since they had both come from the shelter they might actually be the only things in the house that smelled familiar to them so it might be a good thing. 

And it worked. Not even a hiss. No posturing. Just hey, let me sniff you, cool, let me sniff you too. Now let's go fuck some shit up!

It's better to be lucky than good sometimes. 

And they have been super fun. And they are so cute. And they've been good sleepers. Okay, better sleepers than we expected. They wake up a little in the middle of the night but settle right back down. So we are getting mostly full night's of sleep. They are not big on sleeping in, but we aren't either really so it's not bad at all. 

But...they are work. And they do need supervised a lot right now. When we got them Tux was around 2 3/4 pounds and Tig 2 1/2. They both gained a bit of weight but I'm not weighing them so I don't know how much. But still really tiny. They can get into places and things that you wouldn't think they could. And that you know they shouldn't. Everything needs chewed on. Everything needs explored. Then the nap takes over and they would really rather it be on you thank you very much. 

Brent works in the office with the door closed so he can concentrate without constant interruptions. And I've been adding things to a list of "weekend" things. I need to write (today it's all about the kittens) so I need to figure out when to do that daily. I need to work out. I can do sit-ups upstairs but I need to get my other weights and aerobics in as well. So do I lock them away upstairs or let them roam the two main floors? There is no way that I could manage a work out with them with me in the basement so that's out. I also need to do some more house keeping. I managed some laundry and cleaning the bathrooms this week, which I felt was a super achievement. 

And yes, they are already spoiled and we are already shaping our world around the kittens. Any of you that knew George knew that was going to happen. 

And kittens are really good for grief. And plagues. And being stuck. Because you have to focus on them. You have to laugh at their antics. Nothing is ever the same thing twice. So they are good for us right now for sure. 

Which is good. Because August is about to get really rough. 

Yay for kittens!

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