Monday, January 31, 2022

January Wrap... February Look Forward...

Okay, time for the monthly update. How did things go? 

I was planning on reading 5 books, working out 5 times a week, writing 10 blogs, buying less from Amazon and starting the move prep.

Well, I read 6 books, this is the tenth blog and... I can explain...

I did not hit five days each week, but that's because I was sick for a few days one week so I didn't work out. I'm okay missing the goal for that. Things like that happen. Now, granted, colds haven't happened much in the past two years. Masks and social distancing have done wonders for over all health in that way. I was actually really surprised when I ended up with a cold this month. Tested for Covid twice just to make sure it was a plain old run of the mill cold. It was. I don't recommend them. But it was better than getting really sick for sure. 

I bought four things from Amazon in 2021 and eight in 2022, though three of those were groceries and gifts which I haven't been counting. But still five random items versus four.  I also realized that with the move coming up the odds of me spending less at Amazon in 2022 versus what I spent in 2021 are not good. I'm going to try to be mindful, but I'm also going to accept that so many stores run their storefronts through Amazon now and I'm going to need so many random things that it's just not likely I'll end up spending less. 

As far as my plans for the move prep, our closing day got pushed from March 16 to April 15 so I moved the prep to start this month. 

Which is so stupid, I know, I mean I could have gotten a really big head start on it all instead of pushing it off, but I did mention I was sick for a week right? And then I just sort of forgot about it all. Or at least tried not to think about it all. But I started again this weekend in the pre-planning phase and I'll start working on it this month and put the big push on in March assuming that the date doesn't move again. And of course, realizing that for a week of March I'll be on vacation so...

Twenty twenty Two was going to be a year of semi-goals right? Guidelines. Directions. Overarching themes. Not strict goals? 

At least I think that's what I said...It was pretty close to that anyway. 

So January was hit and miss, mostly hit if I'm being kind and I try to be kind so let's call it mostly hit. What is on tap for February?

Reading: Let's aim for five books again. February is shorter than January but I'm partway into three books right now so I think 5 is more than doable. 

Writing: Ten is a good number again, I think. Though if you all have any ideas on what you'd like me to write about that would be great. 

Workouts: Still aiming for 5 days a week balancing weights, cardio and stretching

House: Start the move prep FOR REAL

Vacation: Get everything booked and ready for Hawaii. Mahalo!

That seems pretty solid for February I think. 

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