Sunday, November 28, 2021

Final Push...

I really can't set goals and not try to make them.

It makes me itchy. 

Which means that for December I need to write. 

A lot. 

And a good dose of fiction.

And find two places to submit. One contest and one not.

And do that while starting the move preparations. 

And holiday things, which to be honest isn't really a challenge. We aren't really decorating just yet. Giving Tig another year to stop chewing up everything. Probably should be putting up some outside things today if we are going to do it. It's unseasonably warm right now. I mean I'm sitting in the office with the window open so Tux can enjoy the smells. 

But if I want to wrap up my goals I need to do that one last push. Otherwise I think I'll be fine. It's just the writing that will be a challenge. 

Writing with a large dose of fiction. 

I need some inspiration is what I'm saying. 

So you know what that means...a month of writing prompt writing! Yay for random forced creativity! Now just trying to decide if I search out just random writing prompts or if I find a list of holiday prompts to at least pretend like we are celebrating like the rest of the world. 

And while I'm doing all of that 2022 is looming and I'm trying to decide what to do as far as goals. I am not sure if my no goal year of 2020 was actually a good test, considering how awful it was. Or if it was a bad red flag for the Universe which paid me back in full for not having "anything I have to do."  I mean a plague, a death in the family, and a kitten with a broken leg seem like a pretty good DON'T DO THAT AGAIN warning...

I think I'm leaning toward a not really goals, just maintenance year. The goal to keep my weight the same. The goal to keep writing a few times a week (which is really a step up from this year at times). The goal to read a book a week (which isn't a lot but can get tougher when you are really busy and can only fit in that 20 minutes before bed time). I think that's what I'm leaning toward. Doing those things on top of getting the move done (which will take the first 3 months of the year), getting settled in (which will take another month or so I would guess). And then seeing how the new place seems for schedules. Like am I going to want to read more because I will have my own back yard to go sit in and read? Or will I decide that I want to take up gardening? (That's kind of a joke since one of the reasons we moved in to this place 20 years ago was to get away from having to maintain the garden!) 

But for now I'm still puzzling out how to finish this year strong and then what to really do about next year. 

For everyone who was betting there was no way that I would leave the goals undone give yourselves a gold star. 

It just makes me itchy. 

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