Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Still Cranky...

A friend described what we are all going through right now as "the worst group project ever." Oh my gosh! That's it! Perfect description. 

I always HATED group projects in school. Relying on someone else for my grade? Someone else who might or might not put in the work I was going to? Though, let's face it, we all know where we fall in the group project spectrum. 

There are those that do all the things. Read what needs to be read, work on the paper, prepare the presentation, whatever needs done it's done.

There are those that will pitch in on parts. Maybe do some reading. Maybe proofread the paper. Maybe add a cool graphic to the presentation. 

There are those who will SWEAR they are doing a section and never get it to you to add to the final presentation so you end up doing their section for them in the middle of the night the day before it's due. 

And there are those who don't do anything and just coast on the grade the rest of you got. 

I hated group projects.

But the worst type of group project? The one where group participation was part of the grade. Where the instructor weighed in on how much each person contributed, and each person had to be fairly equal or your grade suffered. 

Right now we are in that last group project section. We all had to do our parts or the whole project suffered. And to make it worse we have people in the "do fuck all" section who have the unmitigated gall to bitch about the results.

They want everything reopened but they don't want to take the precautions needed to do it safely.

YOU do all the work. YOU get vaccinated and they go to the bar with a large group of other people who refuse to work on the group project and spread their germs around and make a new variant that can screw you as well, EVEN after you spent the past year and a half doing all the things you were supposed to do. AND THEN have the fucking GALL to say that all of that didn't work so why do any of it?

IT DIDN'T WORK BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T DO IT! It was a fucking group project that you just made us fail.

Free. Easily accessible. At the beginning of the summer they should have done their section and gotten vaccinated. Then maybe there wouldn't have been enough people for the Delta variant to grab ahold of for it to be a worry. Now we're back to wearing masks and they won't even do that without bitching. 

Why should I wear a mask if you are vaccinated? You shouldn't worry about it. 

I'm not worried I'm going to get really sick, because I'm vaccinated. I don't wear a mask to keep myself from getting sick, I wear one just incase I'm sick and don't realize it. I wear it to keep from spreading it to someone who isn't vaccinated. Because littles can't get vaccinated just yet, and contrary to what the Covidiots keep shouting, they can get really sick. It does happen. They can die from it just like anyone else. It might not be as common for them to get as sick, but I'm not really willing to throw the dice on that statistic. I also wear it to prevent someone who cannot get the vaccine from getting sick. There are those out there who cannot get vaccinated who are in fragile enough health that it would be bad. Like Covid causes their death bad. Again, I'm not willing to roll the dice on someone else's life like that.

BUT...if I could guarantee that the only people it spread to were those that still fucking refused to to do the work on the group project? Well...

And yeah, I get it, that's so harsh! How awful! How mean! And honestly... Oh fuck that....they refuse to get a free and easily accessible vaccine, they refuse to wear a mask, some of them are actively campaigning against others wearing masks and getting vaccinated so yeah...fuck them. They aren't doing the work, they are causing damage. I am out of sympathy.


It's hurt my heart since Ann died to see people deny that Covid was an issue. It's wounded me to see people I know refuse to do what needs to be done to protect all of us. It's been a really sad eye opener to see how many of my fellow Americans seem to think that a piece of cloth over their face is some sort of freedom blocker. To see people praise Rand Fucking Paul as some sort of anti-covid hero when he was spreading germs and misinformation at an accelerated clip while his wife invested in drugs to fight Covid. Oh but she lost money... not for lack of trying, it was because the shit she bought didn't work. They should have invested in a mask factory. 


So yeah.

I'm cranky about the world's worst group project and the fact that I can't kick some of you out of my group so I can just get the passing grade and move the fuck on... I was so not planning on taking this fucking class all over again. 


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