Saturday, August 7, 2021


 As I tried to fall asleep a few nights ago I sighed and thought, "Okay. You win. August just sucks." I've tried to hold on to it being the BEST month because it's the month I was born, but honestly...I give.

The birthstone is ugly. I've never liked it.

It's hot and hot at a time when you are tired of the heat.

If you live on the West Coast it's peak fire season.

It's time to go back to school when it seems like it was just 4th of July picnics.

People are busy and hot and breathing bad air and sick of it all and so they are snippy with each other. 

It's just the worst month.

People have been telling me all of my life that it is and I have steadfastly countered with I was born in August so I love it. So there. 

And now...I just give. August sucks.

This year was the year I was going to counter with an extra push through. Fake it until you make it. I was going to get that August happy feeling back. 

But I'm not ready I guess.

Or not able. 

Or August just sucks.

Covid cases are rising again. We had the flash of light at the end of the tunnel and all got excited in the Spring when vaccines became available and then found out that that light was actually the Delta variant coming for those "Live free or die, no seriously, die and I'm taking a lot of you with me" folks. So cases are back up. And the human petri dishes help create new and exciting variants. You thought Delta and Lambda were bad? Just wait until Upsilon and Omega make it here... Anyway...that feeling of things being all better is being replaced with the feeling that maybe we were hasty in getting tickets to Disney for next month. 

August just sucks.

This year with the personal added bonus of a backed up drain line in the attic AC causing water to leak into the walls and give us panicked moments of seeing an entire house plumbing job coming but ending up with just a patch and repair job needed. BUT at a time when it's hard to find people for patch and repair jobs AND when we are getting ready to sell the house. BUT really much better than it could have been. AND yet worse than it was. BECAUSE...

August just sucks. 

August is the month that Halloween starts to creep in. When people start dreaming of warm sweaters and cozy Fall nights. When pumpkin spice lattes start invading store displays. Pushing past the last dregs of summer and dreaming of a wonderful Fall because...

August just sucks. 

And I know, I KNOW, it's temporary. It will get better again. It will be okay at some point. I just think I have to give in and admit that this year is not going to be the year. Maybe without the self pressure it will get better. Maybe. Or maybe not because...

August just sucks.

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