Thursday, March 25, 2021

Push...And Other Thoughts...

 So... a lot to cover today. 

First off, it's been a year since we went in to lock down mode. I know the snarky point is to say it was supposed to be only for two weeks to flatten the curve and yet here we are...but...(as much as I love a snarky point) I never believed that it would be for just two weeks. I can see it in my Facebook status updates I can read it in my blog. 

Here is a section from my blog on March 18, 2020:

"I think people are still not really understanding how long this is going to last. I had the realization last night that there is actually a good chance we won't see Christopher until next summer. No holidays with the family. It's not really going to be under control until we get a vaccine right? And there won't be a vaccine until next year. And we still suffer from vaccine resistant viruses, not actual viruses but stupid people who don't get their vaccines. Though maybe this will actually show them how important they are. People who were alive when polio was virulent aren't anti-vaxxers for instance..."

Now we did get to see Christopher over the holidays, but only because he ended up catching Covid-19 last Spring and we decided the risk of him catching it again was small. But here we are. A year later. And things are only starting to get back to normal as the vaccine is being rolled out. And we have a not insignificant number of people who are not going to get the vaccine because....reasons.

I think my mindset of this is not two weeks, this is not two months, this is at least a year helped me deal with it all a little more than some others. I also know that my introvert, homebody nature, also helped. Brent and I are really self sufficient. I would rather Christopher was here with us, but that's not pandemic related, I always would like him to live closer, but even then we have a good amount of contact and we do okay. But for the most part Brent and I are each other's social circle and we always are, no matter what else is going on in the world. I know people who need people have not been the luckiest people in the world this year. 

But anyway...

Here we are a year in to the pandemic. 

I'm going to write some more about it soon. I think there are a few blogs waiting to crash out but...

That's my issue right now, this very moment. I need to write. I need to get a LOT of writing done. If I want to hit my 12 fiction pieces for March I need to write 7 fiction pieces in the 7 days that are left in March. I'm thinking that I will not make that goal...unless I crank out some poetry. Which will make Skippy really happy. Which is a price I might be willing to pay if it means I get my gold star. 

I also want to write a wrap up on the elimination diet. And I have a piece about religion bouncing in my head. And a lot of being challenged by the universe on who I am, like at a deep core level WHO I AM, right now. And...well it's not super easy to write all of the time. Brent and I are sharing space and that's a challenge for both of us at times. I'm trying to get some house things taken care and that takes some time. I'm also cat visiting and that takes some time. And mostly I'm still pouting a little (or more) about the whole food issues which takes a lot of head space. 

So, instead of sitting down and writing daily I'm finding a lot of excuses not to sit down and write daily and that's just counterproductive to, you know, sitting down and writing daily. So what am I going to do about it?

Well...and brace yourselves because this is going to be big, such a great breakthrough...

I'm going to sit down and write daily for the next seven days. 

I KNOW right? 

Starting with this. 

And following this I'm going to dash out a quick poem. (Sorry, Skip, but you know how I am with my gold stars) and then tomorrow I'm going to do it all again. It might be a collection of two post days here and there to get all of the stuff in my head out on the blog and still grab that star...we will see.

So here we are. A year in to the pandemic lockdowns, things are opening back up, and I am still where I am. Trying to get the words out of my head and on to the "paper."

That has to make you feel a little better right? Some continuity in your life. 

That's what I'm going with anyway...

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