Friday, March 26, 2021

New Dis, Who Phoned?

"You can't keep letting him do that." 

Ariel looked at her phone but didn't answer, "I know, I know. I won't. I swear I'm done." And right at that moment she really was. Her friends were absolutely right. 

"Are you? Really? I mean you've said that before, right?" Jules was trying not to sound disgusted with Ariel. She wasn't, not really. She was disgusted with her piece of shit ex. He was never good enough for her, he never gave her enough when they were dating and now? It was even worse.

"Yes, I mean. I get it. I'm letting him still use me, and..."

"And he doesn't have that right. He never had that right. He's a user and a loser and..."

"Slow down, Jules, Ariel knows what he is like. She doesn't need you blasting at her."

"You're right. But one of us needs to be mad at him, and it looks like it's me."

Ariel smiled at her friend, "Well, you are the best at mad so..."

Jules laughed. She took a deep breath and tried to let it all go. "Have you tried the GlitchEx app?"


"Oh! I've heard of this one!" Lori loved a new app. "You can add his phone number and it blocks his calls."

"I mean, I could just block the number..."

"But you haven't. And this doesn't just block them. What he hears is the phone ringing like normal then it goes to a fake voice mail system, but when he tries to leave a message he gets an error message telling him that the mailbox is experiencing technical difficulties. So he just thinks your phone is glitching. It's like the most nonconfrontational way of blocking a number. It's so nonconfrontational I'm surprised Jules had even heard of it."

"Very funny."

"Yeah, I am. But, honestly, Ariel, you should try it."

"Will I get like a log or anything that would show he tried to call?"

"Noooo....see the point is that you block him from calling and then you forget about him. Not that you block him from calling and then obsessively watch how many times he tried to call you." Jules realized she was sounding impatient again, but honestly, Ariel just needed a clean break.

"Okay, I'll do it tonight. I swear."

And she had meant it. She really had. She was going to go right home and download the app and put his number in and that would be that. No more calls. No more, well, calls to come over and see her. If her friends had realized that he was doing more than just calling they would have camped out in her living room, or moved her to a "safe house." And maybe she needed that. 

Because she had really intended on blocking his number as soon as she got home but she got distracted tidying up the place. And changing the sheets. And taking a shower. And...yes. Waiting for him to come over. He had called her again when she was in the taxi on the way home from having drinks with her friends. He really needed to see her. He had had such a lousy week and nobody understood him the way she did. 

She knew it was just a booty call. That he just called her for easy sex with no big commitment because she had convinced herself that that was enough. That however much of him he would give her would be enough. That if he didn't love her, at least a little, he wouldn't call her anymore. He wouldn't come over anymore. He would completely move on. And he would move on for awhile here and there. Over the past year there had been long stretches where he didn't call.

Of course, she figured those stretches were times he was dating someone. But still, he came back to her. Because he loved her. Right?

Her phone buzzed with a text. 

'I am so sorry if I'm coming off like a bitch about everything. But you are AMAZING and you deserve so much more. He never treated you the way you deserve and now he's even worse. I love you. I will always be here for you. Download the app.'

Jules always believed in her. From the time they were little kids. She had always been ready to fight for her. Even when she didn't believe that she was worth the fight. But Jules did. Jules always did. And so did Lori. And so many of her other friends did as well. They let her know all the time that she was fabulous and worth everything she had. 

Ariel sat down on the couch. She'd just call him back and tell him not to come. Not tonight. And then she would install the app tomorrow. She could do this. 

She hit speed dial, why was he still her #1 speed dial? She would change that too. Tomorrow. The phone rang and then went to his voice mail. She started to leave a message, "Hey, give me a ...." 

"This mailbox is currently experiencing technical difficulties, please try again later."

Ariel stared at her phone. And then she laughed and laughed and laughed. 

She dialed her number 2 speed dial, Jules answered on the first ring, "Hey, can I come stay the night at your place?"

"Of course. Do you need me to come get you?"

"Nope, I'm going to head out right now. I'll be there as soon as I can."

She installed the app on her way over. 

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