Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Out Like a Lion...

Wrapping up March. 

I know it's supposed to be in like a lion out like a lamb for March, and honestly the weather is trying. It's going to hit close to 70 today, so that's a pretty darn good lamb day. But as far as I go with goals and such, I'm still out like a lion. 


So how did it go?

Let's see, top priority was the elimination diet and wrapping that up. I was just starting to add things in and was feeling pretty good about the fact that I got a slight hit on meat and it was no big deal. Which as you all know fell the fuck apart this month. Flour and nightshades were definitely a big deal. Like don't eat this anymore, mmmkay? Except for green chile. Funny enough. I can tolerate some chile whereas I cannot tolerate potatoes at all. Potatoes. Bland little innocuous potatoes. But those are right there with all the flour for bad reactions. 

I'm not at the end of experimenting. I am going to try some spice blends. Like, since nightshades are a no, with the exception of green chile, what about Paprika? Or chile powder? Or curry? Those are still up in the air for me. Once I figure all of that out completely then I will know what I can and cannot have for sure. Now I have a good idea though. And I'm not super happy about it. But at least it's done.

And I do feel better so....

Reading, I am keeping up with the pace I had been hitting. As in I was behind 3 books in January, behind 4 books in February and now I'm behind 5 books. I just need to hit a streak of some quick reads and that will catch up. I'm not worried just yet. It's only the first quarter.  

Writing, man, past me is so good at setting up hard goals for writing that present me is like, Bitch...But I did it. I mean I cheated a little with two days of poetry, but I still did it. It's not my best work. There are a couple out of the 12 that I'm really pleased with, but for the most part I can see the wheels grinding when I read them. That's okay though. It was supposed to be a grind it out thing. Hopefully it loosened something up. 

POD and Daily Gratitude, yeah still going. Like I said, I think once I said I would I ended up saying it was for the year. Maybe I will change my mind, but doubt it. 

The meditation piece was interesting. I was aiming for 15 and I sailed past that. I finally found a time that really works for me to sit and do it and I also did a little piece from 10% Happier instead of Daily Calm that actually helped me be less stressed about it. Basically, don't worry about it so much. The goal isn't to have a calm and blank mind, the goal is just to be aware of your busy mind. OH! Got it! 

Flexibility. Blew past the 1/4" improvement and realized that since I have an end goal that I want to get to I should just keep aiming for that instead of trying to see what incremental changes I am making. 

So March was good. Even if I ended it up like a lion rawring at everyone because I can't eat what I normally do. I'm getting better about it, and I will write a full blog talking about it, but I'm pouting less. I think. Maybe. 

Oh! And the year long weight loss goal. The new diet definitely pushed that along nicely. I'm back at where I was at the beginning of the pandemic now. I have 8 pounds to go to hit the goal for the year. So that's nice. Hopefully as I figure out how to eat again I can keep the weight loss going. 

SO April...

More of the same. POD/Daily Gratitude/Mediation after workouts/Read as much as possible...

Writing...I'm still going to push at fiction. I don't want to just stop that and go backwards, but 12 isn't happening again. How about 6? Still a lot, actually, but not crazy. Six fiction pieces. And April is National Poetry month so...

Flexibility, keep working toward that end goal.

Weight, make sure I track as I figure out my new way of eating. 

Grace, keep understanding that until we are vaccinated our lives are still a little topsy turvy and that's okay. 

So March was decent as far as goals go. Frustrating as far as what I learned about my reaction to food. Funny as far as the more I read the farther behind I fall. And done. 

The weather says lamb but my temperament says lion. 

Keep wearing your masks.
Keep social distancing. 
Keep being safe. 
Now that Spring is here let's set our sights on a wonderful summer. 

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