Sunday, July 21, 2019


So I finally finished New Job which morphed into Memory Lane! Now I am FINALLY free to move on to other things and write about...


I'm sure I was bursting with ideas just last week.

Wait...there was...oh or....hmmm...maybe...


It's always like that isn't it? It's like shopping. When you have no money or you are in the middle of losing weight all of the clothes are super cute and you want them all. And as soon as you're flush with cash and your weight is stable...nothing. Nothing at all.

Is it that our brains just crave distraction or variety? So if we are trying to focus on one thing it's like, "Oh look over here!" but when we are free to wander it's like, "Nah, I'm good. Let's just rest."

I did have a few ranty type things last week that would pop up and I would "write" while I was out walking. But then when I would sit down to write them I'd get distracted or couldn't muster up the right frame of mind to do it and it would fade away. You have to be in the right mood to tilt at those windmills.

Next week is the Mueller testimony so I'm hoping that sparks some change in the national conversation. I mean, I doubt it, you have people defending Trump this week saying that he didn't say something racist because....well...reasons! So they aren't going to shift from NO COLLUSION! NO OBSTRUCTION! even though the Mueller Report is like, much obstruction.

Maybe I'll read through Memory Lane and see where it falls apart and spin that into another story. I mean, probably not...but sparks need to happen somewhere. I'm sort of feeling a love story being the next one. Maybe even a play it straight one. Since Memory Lane was REALLY not the type of story I normally tell maybe another one that is totally different will be good. It worked for Wonky Tower as well. I think the ones I'm not good at end up being the longest because it takes me so long to figure out what I want to say...

Okay, well I brain dumped. Sunday blogs are often just brain dump blogs. Let's see if that opens it up for next week. :-)

To my liberal ladies on the beach...have so much fun you start a new progressive movement!
To my fellow Mueller testimony watches, pay attention, it should be good.
To the rest of you reading, have a great week and, you know, post an idea about what you want me to write about in the comments. It's always appreciated. :-)

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